首页> 外文期刊>Computer Science and Information Technology >A Simple Analytic Approximation of Luminosity Distance in FLRW Cosmology using Daftardar-Jafari Method

A Simple Analytic Approximation of Luminosity Distance in FLRW Cosmology using Daftardar-Jafari Method




In this paper, the iterative method suggested by Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari hereafter called Daftardar-Jafari method (DJM) is applied for the approximate analytical representation of the luminosity distance in a homogenous Friedmann-Lema?tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmology. We obtain the analytical expressions of the luminosity distance using the approximate solutions of the differential equation to which the luminosity distance satisfies, subject to the corresponding initial conditions. With the help of this approximate solution, a simple analytic formula for the luminosity distance as a function of redshift is obtained and compared with a numerical solution for the general integral formula by the Maple software. Subsequent comparison of the obtained approximate analytical formula with the corresponding numerical solution for the and quintessential models is provided and showed a high accuracy of the DJM approximations, at least for the certain values of parameters of the models. This comparison demonstrates the efficiency and simplicity of this approach to the problem of calculating the luminosity distance in theoretical cosmology.
机译:在本文中,达到德拉德 - jafari方法(DJM)的达迪达尔-Gejjji和Jafari提出的迭代方法应用于同质弗里曼-LEMA的致敏距离的近似分析表示?Tre-Robertson-Walker(FLRW)宇宙学。通过相应的初始条件,使用亮度距离的差分方程的近似解来获得亮度距离的分析表达。借助于该近似​​解的帮助,获得了作为红移函数的亮度距离的简单分析公式,并与枫软件的一般整体式的数值解决方案进行比较。随后对所获得的近似分析公式进行与和典型模型的相应数值解决方案的比较,并且至少针对模型参数的某些值的高精度,至少是DJM近似的高精度。这种比较阐明了这种方法对理论宇宙学中的亮度距离的问题的效率和简单性。



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