首页> 外文期刊>Clinical medicine: journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London >From paper to paperless: Do electronic systems ensure safe and effective communication and documentation of DNACPR decisions?

From paper to paperless: Do electronic systems ensure safe and effective communication and documentation of DNACPR decisions?




INTRODUCTION:An electronic resuscitation system, implemented in 2015, within electronic patient records (EPR) at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust was studied, aiming to review and improve decision documentation and communication.METHOD:The study (January 2018 - June 2018) included all gerontology inpatients with electronic do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (e-DNACPR) decisions. Cases were identified weekly, followed by retrospective analysis of discharges. Amendments to the electronic system and improvements were implemented between cycles. CYCLE 1: One-hundred and thirty-three patients were included; 85% had an e-DNACPR form; 86% of all forms had senior doctor involvement; 68% evidenced patient/relative discussion; 13% documented multidisciplinary team (MDT) discussion.INTERVENTIONS:A mandatory 'named nurse' field was added to the form and trust-wide education programme implemented. CYCLE 2: One-hundred and twenty-six patients were included; 100% had an e-DNACPR form; 93% evidenced senior doctor involvement; 71% evidenced patient/relative discussion; 57% documented MDT discussion.CONCLUSION:Changes to the process and trust-wide education resulted in more robust documentation and communication.
机译:介绍:在2015年实施的电子复苏系统,在国王大学医院NHS基金会信托中的电子患者记录(EPR)中,旨在审查和改进决定文件和传播。方法:该研究(2018年1月 - 2018年6月)包括在内所有带有电子的无老年学院都不尝试心肺复苏(E-DNACPR)决策。每周确定病例,然后回顾性对排放分析。电子系统和改进的修正是在周期之间实施的。循环1:包括一百三十三名患者; 85%的E-DNACPR表格;所有表格中的86%都有高级医生参与; 68%证明了患者/相关讨论; 13%记录了多学科团队(MDT)讨论。Interventions:将一个强制性的“名叫护士”领域加入了所实施的表格和信任教育计划。循环2:包括一百二十六名患者; 100%有一个E-DNACPR形式; 93%证明高级医生参与; 71%证明了患者/相关讨论; 57%记录了MDT讨论。结论:对流程和信任教育的变化导致更强大的文档和通信。



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