首页> 外文期刊>Future healthcare journal. >Educating junior doctors on DNACPR and ceiling of treatment policy improves compliance with form completion and documentation of resuscitation decisions

Educating junior doctors on DNACPR and ceiling of treatment policy improves compliance with form completion and documentation of resuscitation decisions




IntroductionDo not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) orders areimportant in avoiding inappropriate CPR attempts. Clear and fulldocumentation of decisions about CPR, the reasons for them, andthe discussions with those involved in the decisions, is an essentialpart of high-quality care.1 A new combined Queen Elizabeth HospitalKing’s Lynn DNACPR and Ceiling of Treatment form was implementedin July 2018. A new audit tool was developed by the resuscitationdepartment to ensure accurate completion of DNACPR formswas captured. Subsequent re-audits did not show any significantimprovement in compliance with set standards and in some casesshowed deterioration. Therefore, in January 2019 teaching sessions onthe importance of DNACPR and Ceiling of Treatment documentationwere introduced.
机译:介绍没有尝试心肺复苏(DNACPR)在避免不适当的CPR尝试时令人厌恶。关于CPR的决定的明确和过度报价,他们的原因以及与参与决策的人的讨论是高质量护理的必备部分.1新的伊丽莎白伊丽莎白伊丽莎白议员的Lynn DNACR和待遇形式的天花板在2018年7月实施。重新播出的项目开发了一个新的审计工具,以确保准确完成捕获的DNACPR Formswas。随后的重新审计没有遵守设定标准和一些尸体恶化的任何重要内容。因此,2019年1月在教学会议上关于DNACR的重要性和治疗文件的天花板介绍。




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