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Trees symbolism, conservation and threat in Guji Oromo, Southern Ethiopia




This article aims at investigating origin of tree symbolism and the cultural events embedded within this symbolism among the Guji Oromo. The study has opted qualitative approach, descriptive research design, and method of data production like interview, focus group discussion and transect walk. The finding shows that culture of tree symbolism in the area has been originated and developed from the long existing notion that trees are perceived as sacred gift of God to Earth and humankind. Particularly, some of native trees such as Cordia Africana, Euclea divinorum and Maesa lanceolata are symbolically connected to a variety of indigenous practices and events like ritual of avoiding inauspicious omen, ritual of idiotism, homicide case resolution, and mythical power expression. This allegorical link between indigenous practices and native trees has made the strong affinity between local practices and native trees in the manner that underpins conservation of native trees in spite of some anthropogenic menaces. Generally, culture of tree symbolism is indispensable to understand a long century’s environmentally friendly life of the people and to conserve native trees. Thus, this culture of tree symbolism has to be preserved by all concerned stakeholders to sustain environmentally benign practices among the people.
机译:本文旨在调查树象征主义的起源和古吉奥罗马之间的象征中嵌入的文化事件。该研究选择了定性方法,描述性研究设计和数据生产的方法,如面试,焦点小组讨论和横向走路。该发现表明该地区的树木象征主义文化已经起源于,从现有的概念中发起和发展,即树木被认为是地球和人类的神圣礼物。特别是一些原生树,如堇青堇,euclea divinorum和 Maesa lanceolata象征性地与各种土着练习和事件相连,如避免Inuspious Emen,Idiotism仪式,凶杀案件决议和神话的仪式电力表达。本土实践与本土树木之间的寓言联系在局部实践和本土树木之间具有强烈的亲和力,以便尽管有一些人为威胁,本土植物守恒的方式。一般来说,树象征主义的文化是了解人们的漫长世纪的环保生活和保护本土树木。因此,所有有关利益相关者都必须保留这种树的象征主义文化,以维持人民之间的环境良性实践。



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