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Assessing whether Berth 208 can accommodate bigger vessels




Transnet Capital Projects (TCP) was appointed by the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) to undertake a research and development study and structural assessment of Berth 208, Richards Bay harbour, to fnd out if the structure would be able to handle bigger vessels. Berth 208 was designed by TCP (Protekon) and constructed by Stefanutti Stocks Marine in 2008. Te structure was designed for a 50-year period based on a 50 000 DWT tanker. Te quay wall is an open, suspended deck on a piled concrete structure. Te assessment was based on visual observations, historical data and fnite modelling of the existing structure. Loads that would be imposed by bigger vessels (55 000 DWT to 75 000 DWT) were calculated and applied. Hollow steel sections with infll reinforced concrete were used to form composite piles. Te used beams were pre-stressed, due to their longer spans, to reduce the number of piles. Figure 1 shows a cross-section of the structure. Te research fndings indicate that the structure is in sound condition, and will be able to handle bigger vessels up to 75 000 DWT.
机译:Transnet Capital项​​目(TCP)由Trantnet国家港口管理局(TNPA)任命,进行研究和开发研究和结构评估,Richards Bay Harbour,如果结构能够处理更大的船只,则为FND。泊位208由TCP(Protekon)设计,由2008年由Stefanutti股市建造。TE结构设计为50 000 DWT油轮的50年。 TE码头墙是一个开放式悬浮的甲板上堆积的混凝土结构。 TE评估基于现有结构的视觉观测,历史数据和FNITE建模。计算并施加由更大的血管(55 000dwt至75 000dwt)施加的负载。使用INFLL钢筋混凝土的空心钢部分形成复合桩。由于它们的跨越较长,泰梁预应力,以减少桩的数量。图1显示了结构的横截面。 TE研究Fndings表示该结构处于声音状态,并且能够处理高达75 000 DWT的更大船只。



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