首页> 外文期刊>Cell Reports >Intravital Imaging to Monitor Therapeutic Response in Moving Hypoxic Regions Resistant to PI3K Pathway Targeting in Pancreatic Cancer

Intravital Imaging to Monitor Therapeutic Response in Moving Hypoxic Regions Resistant to PI3K Pathway Targeting in Pancreatic Cancer




Application of advanced intravital imaging facilitatesdynamic monitoring of pathway activity upon therapeuticinhibition. Here, we assess resistance totherapeutic inhibition of the PI3K pathway withinthe hypoxic microenvironment of pancreatic ductaladenocarcinoma (PDAC) and identify a phenomenonwhereby pronounced hypoxia-induced resistance isobserved for three clinically relevant inhibitors. Toaddress this clinical problem, we have mapped tumorhypoxia by both immunofluorescence and phosphorescencelifetime imaging of oxygen-sensitivenanoparticles and demonstrate that these hypoxicregions move transiently around the tumor. To overlaythis microenvironmental information with drugresponse, we applied a FRET biosensor for Akt activity,which is a key effector of the PI3K pathway.Performing dual intravital imaging of drug responsein different tumor compartments, we demonstratean improved drug response to a combination therapyusing the dual mTORC1/2 inhibitor AZD2014 with thehypoxia-activated pro-drug TH-302.
机译:高级腔室成像的应用促进动力监测监测途径监测治疗途径。在此,我们评估胰腺导管癌(PDAC)的缺氧微环境对PI3K途径的抵抗治疗性抑制,并鉴定了缺氧诱导的三种临床相关抑制剂的缺氧诱导的抗性的现象。 ToAddress这项临床问题,我们通过免疫荧光和磷均匀的氧 - 敏化族颗粒的成像进行了映射了肿瘤氧化,并证明这些缺氧瞬时移动在肿瘤周围。为了覆盖DruGresponse的微观环境信息,我们将FRET生物传感器应用于AKT活性,这是PI3K途径的关键效应器。模拟药物反应的双层腔内成像不同的肿瘤隔室,我们规范的药物反应对双MTORC1的组合进行了改善的药物反应/ 2抑制剂AZD2014与酞昔亚氧血清活化的药物TH-302。


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