首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >Assessment of prenatal care for indigenous women in Brazil: findings from the First National Survey of Indigenous People’s Health and NutritionEvaluación de la atención prenatal ofrecida a mujeres indígenas en Brasil: resultados de la Primera Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición de los Pueblos Indígenas

Assessment of prenatal care for indigenous women in Brazil: findings from the First National Survey of Indigenous People’s Health and NutritionEvaluación de la atención prenatal ofrecida a mujeres indígenas en Brasil: resultados de la Primera Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición de los Pueblos Indígenas




This study assesses prenatal care for indigenous women 14-49 years of age with children under five years of age in Brazil. The First National Survey of Indigenous People’s Health and Nutrition assessed 3,967 women who met these criteria, of whom 41.3% in the North, 21.2% in the Central, 22.2% in the Northeast, and 15% in the South/Southeast. Prenatal care was offered to 3,437 (86.6%) of these women. The North of Brazil showed the highest proportion of indigenous women who did not receive prenatal care. Coverage was 90.4%, but only some 30% began prenatal care in the first trimester, and only 60% of the eligible women were vaccinated for diphtheria and tetanus. Only 16% of indigenous pregnant women had seven or more prenatal visits. Access to at least one clinical-obstetric consultation was found in 97% of the records, except for breast examination (63%). Laboratory test rates were low (blood glucose 53.6%, urinalysis 53%, complete blood count 56.9%, Pap smear 12.9%, syphilis test 57.6%, HIV serology 44.2%, hepatitis B 53.6%, rubella 21.4%, and toxoplasmosis 32.6%), as was prescription of ferrous sulfate (44.1%). As a whole, the proportion of orders for recommended laboratory tests was only 53%. The percentages of prenatal care procedures for indigenous women are lower than for non-indigenous Brazilian women as a whole, and are even lower than among women in regions with high social vulnerability and low healthcare coverage, like the Legal Amazonia and the Northeast. The results confirm the persistence of ethnic-racial inequalities that compromise the health and well-being of indigenous mothers.
机译:本研究评估了巴西五岁以下儿童的14-49岁的土着妇女的产前护理。第一次全国对土着人民健康和营养的调查评估了3,967名遇到这些标准的妇女,其中北方41.3%,在东北部22.2%,南/东南部为15%。产前护理提供给这些妇女的3,437(86.6%)。巴西北部展示了未接受产前护理的土着女性比例最高。覆盖率为90.4%,但只有约30%的孕期开始于产前护理,只有60%的合格妇女为白喉和破伤风接种疫苗。只有16%的土着孕妇有七个或更多的产前访问。除了乳房检查(63%)外,在97%的记录中发现了至少一个临床产科咨询。实验室测试率低(血糖53.6%,尿液分析53%,完全血液计数56.9%,PAP涂片12.9%,梅毒试验57.6%,HIV血清学44.2%,乙型肝炎53.6%,风疹21.4%,弓形虫病32.6%) ,硫酸亚硫酸铁的处方(44.1%)。总的来说,建议实验室测试的订单的比例仅为53%。土着妇女的产前护理程序的百分比低于整体非土着巴西妇女,甚至低于社会脆弱性和低医疗保健覆盖的地区的妇女,如法律亚马逊和东北。结果证实了民族种族不等式的持续存在,妥协了土着母亲的健康和福祉。



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