首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >Health promotion with indigenous women: the contribution of ethnography on self-care practices among the Munduruku people in the Amazonas State, BrazilPromoción de la salud de la mujer indígena: contribución de la etnografía de prácticas de autoatención entre los Munduruku del estado de Amazonas, Brasil

Health promotion with indigenous women: the contribution of ethnography on self-care practices among the Munduruku people in the Amazonas State, BrazilPromoción de la salud de la mujer indígena: contribución de la etnografía de prácticas de autoatención entre los Munduruku del estado de Amazonas, Brasil




Longevity, health, and collective and individual well-being are among the socially shared expectations of the Munduruku people who live on the Kwatá-Laranjal Indian Reservation in Amazonas State, Brazil. Daily life in a cosmos full of beings is surrounded by dangers that threaten these expectations, and whose agencies can result in disease and death. Based on ethnography, through participant observation and narratives, we analyze the self-care practices dedicated to the construction of the Munduruku woman’s body, valuing the perspectives and active role of “lay” persons in this process. These practices begin in pregnancy and extend throughout life in an ongoing process of construction of the body, maintenance of health, and acquisition of skills, marked by interaction between persons of different ages. The focus of Munduruku practices is not the body in the sense determined by the biomedical paradigm, but its participation as a person in social and cosmological relations, through experiences that link body, health, and environment. The Munduruku perspective on this process displays radical differences in relation to modern individualism and the biomedical notion of the body, excessively reductionist. An understanding of the indigenous perspective can help promote improvements in the quality of differentiated care, as recommended by the Brazilian National Healthcare Policy for Indigenous Peoples.
机译:长寿,健康和集体以及个人福祉是在巴西亚马逊州亚马逊州Kwatá-Laranjal印度预订的Munduruku人们的社会共享期望之一。充满生物的宇宙中的日常生活被威胁这些期望的危险所包围,其机构可能导致疾病和死亡。根据民族志,通过参与者观察和叙述,我们分析了致力于建设Munduruku女性的自我保健实践,重视这个过程中“奠定”人员的观点和积极作用。这些实践在怀孕期间开始,在持续建造身体的持续过程中,维护健康和获取技能的持续过程中,以不同年龄之间的人之间的互动为标志。 Munduruku实践的重点不是身体在生物医学范式确定的意义上,但它作为社会和宇宙关系的人,通过链接身体,健康和环境的经验。 MUNDURUKU对该过程的透视表现出与现代个人主义和身体的生物医学概念相关的根本差异,过度减少。根据土着人民的巴西国家医疗保健政策的推荐,对土着视角的理解可以帮助促进差异化护理质量的改善。



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