首页> 外文期刊>Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology >“Granaries” of Early Iron Age Kalaka?a, northern Serbia and the issue of archaeobotanical taphonomy: “Зърнохранилища” от РЖЕ обект Калакача в северна Сърбия и въпросът на археоботаничната тафономия

“Granaries” of Early Iron Age Kalaka?a, northern Serbia and the issue of archaeobotanical taphonomy: “Зърнохранилища” от РЖЕ обект Калакача в северна Сърбия и въпросът на археоботаничната тафономия

机译:早期铁时代的“粮仓”kalaka?a,塞尔维亚北部和archaeobotanical taphonomicy问题:“谷物屋”在塞尔维亚北部的卡拉哈对象和古洛替尼酸酸的问题



Archaeological excavations of the Early Iron Age site of Kalaka?a in northern Serbia revealed the presence of numerous pit-features and traces of several possible above-ground structures. A number of pits were interpreted as storage features. Moreover, the charred plant remains in some of them were taken as an evidence of the function of the pits as crop stores/granaries. Archaeobotanical analysis confirmed the presence of a range of crops in the pits; however, the circumstances in which the charred crop remains were found strongly suggest that there is no direct connection between the plant material and the pit-features. No traces of in situ burning were detected in the excavated pits, demonstrating that the charring of plants happened outside. The use of charred plant remains as evidence for the storage of crops in the Kalaka?a pits can thus be dismissed. The plant material was perhaps charred within the surface structures. The analysis of the type of plant parts re-deposited in the pits reveals the presence of crop products – chiefly millet grain (most likely semi-cleaned) and some barley grain; and crop processing by-products – wheat and barley chaff. Millet grain may have originated from millet stores; cereal chaff may have arrived in the pits as daub temper or as crop processing residue discarded in fire
机译:Kalaka早期铁代的考古挖掘?塞尔维亚北部的A中的A展示了众多坑特征和几种可能的上面结构的痕迹。将许多凹坑解释为存储功能。此外,烧焦的植物仍然是其中一些人被认为是坑作为作物商店/粮仓的函数的证据。 archaeobotanical分析证实了在坑中存在一系列作物;然而,强烈发现焚烧作物遗骸的情况表明,植物材料与坑功能之间没有直接连接。在挖掘的坑中没有检测到原位燃烧的痕迹,表明植物的折扣发生在外面。使用烧焦的工厂仍然是卡拉卡储存作物的证据?因此可以被忽视凹坑。植物材料可能在表面结构内烧焦。凹坑中重新存放的植物零件类型的分析显示了作物产品的存在 - 主要是小米谷物(最可能是半清洁)和一些大麦颗粒;和作物加工副产品 - 小麦和大麦谷壳。小米可能源自小米商店;谷物Chaff可能已经抵达凹坑作为涂抹淬火或作为作物加工残留物在火中丢弃



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