首页> 外文期刊>Biocontrol Science >Antibiotic Resistance of Viridans Group Streptococci Isolated from Dental Plaques.

Antibiotic Resistance of Viridans Group Streptococci Isolated from Dental Plaques.




Viridans group streptococci (VGS) are a common cause of infective endocarditis, and dental plaque is the major source of these bacteria. The present study examined the antibiotic resistance of 635 VGS isolates obtained from dental plaques. Isolates from supragingival plaques were identified using the rapid ID 32 Strep and mini API reader (bioMérieux, France), and minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined by a broth microdilution method. High rates of resistance to ampicillin and tetracycline were detected among the isolates. The most resistant species were Streptococcus sanguinis and Streptococcus salivarius. Among the 635 isolates, 9.1% were resistant to erythromycin, and 20.6% to tetracycline. All isolates were sensitive to vancomycin. Resistance to amoxicillin was observed in 0.2% of all isolates. In this study, we showed the incidence of antimicrobial resistance and the susceptibility patterns among 635 VGS isolates from dental plaque.
机译:Viridans Group Strefcoccci(VGS)是感染性心内膜炎的常见原因,牙菌斑是这些细菌的主要来源。本研究检测了从牙菌斑获得的635 VGS分离物的抗生素抗性。使用快速ID 32 STREP和MINI API读取器(BioMérieux,法国)鉴定来自Supriticival斑块的分离物,并且通过肉汤微稀释方法确定最小的抑制浓度(MIC)。在分离物中检测到对氨苄青霉素和四环素的高抗性抗性。最具抗性物种是链球菌和链球菌的唾液。在635个分离物中,9.1%对红霉素的抗性和20.6%的四环素。所有分离物对万古霉素敏感。在所有分离株的0.2%中观察到对阿莫西林的抗性。在这项研究中,我们展示了抗微生物抗性的发病和635 VGS分离物中的敏感性模式的发生率。



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