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“METAGENOTE: a simplified web platform for metadata annotation of genomic samples and streamlined submission to NCBI’s sequence read archive”




The improvements in genomics methods coupled with readily accessible high-throughput sequencing have contributed to our understanding of microbial species, metagenomes, infectious diseases and more. To maximize the impact of these genomics studies, it is important that data from biological samples will become publicly available with standardized metadata. The availability of data at public archives provides the hope that greater insights could be obtained through integration with multi-omics data, reproducibility of published studies, or meta-analyses of large diverse datasets. These datasets should include a description of the host, organism, environmental source of the specimen, spatial-temporal information and other relevant metadata, but unfortunately these attributes are often missing and when present, they show inconsistencies in the use of metadata standards and ontologies. METAGENOTE ( https://metagenote.niaid.nih.gov ) is a web portal that greatly facilitates the annotation of samples from genomic studies and streamlines the submission process of sequencing files and metadata to the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) (Leinonen R, et al, Nucleic Acids Res, 39:D19-21, 2011) for public access. This platform offers a wide selection of packages for different types of biological and experimental studies with a special emphasis on the standardization of metadata reporting. These packages follow the guidelines from the MIxS standards developed by the Genomics Standard Consortium (GSC) and adopted by the three partners of the International Nucleotides Sequencing Database Collaboration (INSDC) (Cochrane G, et al, Nucleic Acids Res, 44:D48-50, 2016) - National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) and the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ). METAGENOTE then compiles, validates and manages the submission through an easy-to-use web interface minimizing submission errors and eliminating the need for submitting sequencing files via a separate file transfer mechanism. METAGENOTE is a public resource that focuses on simplifying the annotation and submission process of data with its corresponding metadata. Users of METAGENOTE will benefit from the easy to use annotation interface but most importantly will be encouraged to publish metadata following standards and ontologies that make the public data available for reuse.
机译:与易于访问的高通量测序相结合的基因组学方法的改进导致了我们对微生物物种,梅毒,传染病等的理解。为了最大限度地提高这些基因组学研究的影响,重要的是,生物样本的数据将被公开地获得标准化的元数据。公共档案中的数据的可用性提供了通过与多OMICS数据,发布研究的再现性或大型数据集的Meta分析的集成来获得更大的见解。这些数据集应包括主宿主,生物,标本,空间信息和其他相关元数据的描述,但不幸的是,这些属性通常丢失,并且当存在时,它们在使用元数据标准和本体时显示不一致。 MetageNote(https://metageNote.niaid.nih.gov)是一个Web门户,大大促进了从基因组研究的样本注释并简化了测序文件和元数据的提交过程到序列读取档案(SRA)(Leinonen R,等人,核酸,39:D19-21,2011)用于公共访问。该平台为不同类型的生物学和实验研究提供了各种各样的软件包,特别强调了元数据报告的标准化。这些包遵循基因组学标准联盟(GSC)开发的混合标准的指南,并由国际核苷酸测序数据库协作(INSDC)的三个合作伙伴采用(Cochrane G,Et Al,核酸RES,44:D48-50 ,2016) - 国家生物技术信息(NCBI),欧洲生物信息学研究所(EBI)和日本DNA数据库(DDBJ)。 MetageNote然后通过易于使用的Web界面进行编译,验证和管理提交,最大限度地规定提交错误,并消除了通过单独的文件传输机制提交序列文件的需求。 MetageNote是一种公共资源,专注于简化数据的注释和提交过程,其具有相应的元数据。 MetageNote的用户将从易于使用的注释界面中受益,但最重要的是将鼓励将发布Metadata按照使公共数据可用于重用的标准和本体。



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