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Invasive Salmonella infections among children in Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo: a 6-year retrospective review




Invasive Salmonella infections result in significant morbidity and mortality in developing countries. In Asia, typhoid and paratyphoid fever are reported to be the major invasive Salmonella infections, while invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella (iNTS) infections are believed to be uncommon. Data from Sarawak, in Malaysian Borneo, are limited. A retrospective study identifying all children aged ?15?years with invasive Salmonella infections from 2011 to 2016 was conducted in Bintulu Hospital in Sarawak. Population incidences, clinical and bacterial characteristics were examined. Forty-four patients were identified during the 6-year study period: 43 had iNTS infection and 1 had typhoid fever. The average annual iNTS incidence was 32.4 per 100,000 children aged ?5?years. None of the children had malaria or HIV infection, and only 7% were severely malnourished. Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Java were the commonest NTS serovars identified. Pneumonia was the most common manifestation of iNTS disease, present in 20 (47%) children. Other manifestations included gastroenteritis, fever without a source, septic arthritis and meningitis. Salmonella Enteritidis was identified in 76% of those with pneumonia, significantly more frequently than in children with other manifestations. Over 25% of children with iNTS developed severe disease and nearly 10% suffered long term morbidity or mortality. While 78% of Salmonella Java isolates were multi-drug resistant, nearly all other isolates were susceptible to most antimicrobials, including ampicillin. Bintulu Division in Sarawak observed a very high incidence of childhood iNTS infections. Enteric fever was uncommon. The epidemiology of invasive Salmonella infections in Malaysian Borneo differs considerably from that of neighbouring countries in Asia.
机译:侵袭性沙门氏菌感染导致发展中国家的发病率和死亡率显着。在亚洲,据报道,伤寒和副伤寒发烧是主要的侵袭性沙门氏菌感染,而侵入性的非牙龈沙门氏菌(INTS)感染被认为是罕见的。来自马来西亚婆罗洲的Sarawak数据有限。一项回顾性研究,鉴定了来自2011年至2016年的侵袭性沙门氏菌感染的所有儿童的叙述研究是在沙捞越的Bintulu医院进行的。检查人口血小分子,临床和细菌特征。在6年的研究期间鉴定了四十四名患者:43例感染,1次患有伤寒。年平均下的INTS发病率为每10万名儿童为32.4岁,年龄<5?年。没有孩子患有疟疾或艾滋病毒感染,只有7%的营养不良。 Salmonella Enteritidis和Salmonella Java是鉴定的最常见的NTS Serovars。肺炎是INTS病的最常见表现,在20名(47%)儿童中存在。其他表现包括胃肠炎,发热没有源,脓肠炎和脑膜炎。 Salmonella肠炎虫在76%的肺炎中鉴定出来,比其他表现的儿童显着更频繁。超过25%的患有Ints的儿童发育严重疾病,近10%遭受了长期发病率或死亡率。虽然78%的沙门氏菌java分离物是多种毒性的,但几乎所有其他分离物都易于大多数抗微生物,包括氨苄青霉素。沙捞越的小村分部观察了儿童INTS感染的最高发病率。肠溶发烧罕见。马来西亚婆罗洲侵袭性沙门氏菌感染的流行病学与亚洲邻国各国的侵袭性差异相差。



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