首页> 外文期刊>Solar RRL >Overcoming the Limitations of Transient Photovoltage Measurements for Studying Recombination in Organic Solar Cells

Overcoming the Limitations of Transient Photovoltage Measurements for Studying Recombination in Organic Solar Cells


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Transient photovoltage (TPV) measurements are frequently used to study recombination processes in thin-film solar cells by probing the decay of a small optically induced voltage perturbation to infer the charge carrier dynamics of devices at open circuit. However, the validity of this method to probe organic semiconductors has recently come into doubt due to large discrepancies in the reported carrier lifetime values for the same systems and the reporting of unrealistic reaction order values. Herein, the validity of TPV to extract reliable charge carrier lifetimes in thin-film solar cells is explored through the use of timedependent drift-diffusion simulations and measurements. It is found that in lowmobility materials, TPV serves primarily as a probe of charge carrier redistribution in the bulk rather than bulk recombination dynamics and that the extracted time constant is highly mobility dependent. To address this shortcoming, transient photocharge, a new technique to measure the charge carrier density during photovoltage decay, is introduced and applied to study the recombination dynamics in a series of (fullerene and nonfullerene) organic solar cell systems. It is shown that using this technique the charge carrier recombination lifetime in the active layer is more accurately determined.



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