首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >Skin scarification with Plasmodium falciparum peptide vaccine using synthetic TLR agonists as adjuvants elicits malaria sporozoite neutralizing immunity

Skin scarification with Plasmodium falciparum peptide vaccine using synthetic TLR agonists as adjuvants elicits malaria sporozoite neutralizing immunity




Malaria eradication will require a combination of vector control, chemotherapy and an easily administered vaccine. Sterile immunity can be elicited in humans by immunization with sporozoites, the infective stage injected by bite of the mosquito vector, however, whole parasite vaccines present formidable logistical challenges for production, storage and administration. The "gold standard" for infectious disease eradiation, the Smallpox Eradication Programme, utilized mass immunization using the skin scarification (SS) route. SS may more closely mimic the natural route of malaria infection initiated by sporozoites injected by mosquito bite which elicits both neutralizing antibodies and protective cell mediated immunity. We investigated the potential of SS immunization using a malaria repeat peptide containing a protective B cell epitope of Plasmodium falciparum, the most lethal human species, and delivery vehicles containing TLR agonists as adjuvants. In a murine model, SS immunization with peptide in combination with TLR-7/8 and -9 agonists elicited high levels of systemic sporozoite neutralizing antibody, Th1- type CD4+ T cells and resistance to challenge by bites of infected mosquitoes. SS provides the potential to elicit humoral immunity to target Plasmodium at multiple stages of its complex life cycle.
机译:消灭疟疾需要结合媒介控制,化学疗法和易于接种的疫苗。可以通过用子孢子进行免疫来引发人类的无菌免疫,子孢子是蚊子叮咬注入的感染阶段,但是,整个寄生虫疫苗在生产,储存和给药方面都面临着巨大的后勤挑战。根除天花计划是传染病根除的“黄金标准”,它采用皮肤划痕(SS)途径进行了大规模免疫。 SS可能更紧密地模仿由蚊子叮咬注射的子孢子引发的疟疾感染的自然途径,这既引起中和抗体又引起保护性细胞介导的免疫。我们调查了使用含有疟疾恶性疟原虫(最具致死性的人类物种)的保护性B细胞表位的疟疾重复肽和含有TLR激动剂作为佐剂的运载工具进行SS免疫的潜力。在鼠模型中,用肽与TLR-7 / 8和-9激动剂联合进行SS免疫可引起高水平的全身性子孢子中和抗体,Th1型CD4 + T细胞以及对被感染蚊子叮咬的攻击的抵抗力。 SS提供了在复杂生命周期的多个阶段引发针对靶标疟原虫的体液免疫的潜力。



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