首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >A change in coral extension rates and stable isotopes after El Ni?o-induced coral bleaching and regional stress events

A change in coral extension rates and stable isotopes after El Ni?o-induced coral bleaching and regional stress events




Coral reefs are biologically diverse ecosystems threatened with effective collapse under rapid climate change, in particular by recent increases in ocean temperatures. Coral bleaching has occurred during major El Ni?o warming events, at times leading to the die-off of entire coral reefs. Here we present records of stable isotopic composition, Sr/Ca ratios and extension rate (1940-2004) in coral aragonite from a northern Venezuelan site, where reefs were strongly impacted by bleaching following the 1997-98 El Ni?o. We assess the impact of past warming events on coral extension rates and geochemical proxies. A marked decrease in coral (Pseudodiploria strigosa) extension rates coincides with a baseline shift to more negative values in oxygen and carbon isotopic composition after 1997-98, while a neighboring coral (Siderastrea siderea) recovered to pre-bleaching extension rates simultaneously. However, other stressors, besides high temperature, might also have influenced coral physiology and geochemistry. Coastal Venezuelan reefs were exposed to a series of extreme environmental fluctuations since the mid-1990s, i.e. upwelling, extreme rainfall and sediment input from landslides. This work provides important new data on the potential impacts of multiple regional stress events on coral isotopic compositions and raises questions about the long-term influence on coral-based paleoclimate reconstructions.
机译:珊瑚礁是生物多样的生态系统,在迅速的气候变化下,尤其是近期海洋温度的升高,面临有效崩溃的威胁。在主要的厄尔尼诺现象变暖事件中曾发生珊瑚白化,有时导致整个珊瑚礁死亡。在这里,我们介绍委内瑞拉北部站点的文石中珊瑚文石的稳定同位素组成,Sr / Ca比值和扩展速率(1940-2004)的记录,该站点的礁石在1997-98年厄尔尼诺事件之后受到漂白的强烈影响。我们评估了过去变暖事件对珊瑚扩展率和地球化学代理的影响。珊瑚(Pseudodiploria strigosa)延伸率显着下降,这与1997-98年之后氧气和碳同位素组成的基线向更大的负值变化相吻合,而邻近的珊瑚(Siderastrea siderea)同时恢复了漂白前的延伸率。但是,除高温外,其他压力源也可能影响了珊瑚的生理和地球化学。自1990年代中期以来,委内瑞拉沿海珊瑚礁遭受了一系列极端的环境波动,即上升流,极端降雨和滑坡造成的沉积物输入。这项工作提供了有关多个区域应力事件对珊瑚同位素组成的潜在影响的重要新数据,并提出了对长期影响基于珊瑚的古气候重建的疑问。



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