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Mitochondrial genomes of praying mantises (Dictyoptera, Mantodea): rearrangement, duplication, and reassignment of tRNA genes




Insect mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) contain a conserved set of 37 genes for an extensive diversity of lineages. Previously reported dictyopteran mitogenomes share this conserved mitochondrial gene arrangement, although surprisingly little is known about the mitogenome of Mantodea. We sequenced eight mantodean mitogenomes including the first representatives of two families: Hymenopodidae and Liturgusidae. Only two of these genomes retain the typical insect gene arrangement. In three Liturgusidae species, the trnM genes have translocated. Four species of mantis (Creobroter gemmata, Mantis religiosa, Statilia sp., and Theopompa sp.-HN) have multiple identical tandem duplication of trnR, and Statilia sp. additionally includes five extra duplicate trnW. These extra trnR and trnW in Statilia sp. are erratically arranged and form another novel gene order. Interestingly, the extra trnW is converted from trnR by the process of point mutation at anticodon, which is the first case of tRNA reassignment for an insect. Furthermore, no significant differences were observed amongst mantodean mitogenomes with variable copies of tRNA according to comparative analysis of codon usage. Combined with phylogenetic analysis, the characteristics of tRNA only possess limited phylogenetic information in this research. Nevertheless, these features of gene rearrangement, duplication, and reassignment provide valuable information toward understanding mitogenome evolution in insects.
机译:昆虫线粒体基因组(有丝分裂基因组)包含一个保守的37个基因集,用于广泛的谱系。先前报道的鳞翅目有丝分裂基因组共享这种保守的线粒体基因排列,尽管令人惊讶地对曼托德亚的有丝分裂基因组了解甚少。我们对八种曼陀罗有丝分裂基因组进行了测序,包括两个家族的第一代代表:膜翅目科和唇形科。这些基因组中只有两个保留了典型的昆虫基因排列。在三个Liturgusidae物种中,trnM基因已经易位。四种螳螂(Creobroter gemmata,Mantis religiosa,Statilia sp。和Theopompa sp.-HN)的trnR和Statilia sp具有多个相同的串联重复。还包括五个额外的重复trnW。 Statilia sp。中的这些额外的trnR和trnW。不规则地排列并形成另一个新的基因顺序。有趣的是,多余的trnW是通过反密码子上的点突变过程从trnR转化而来的,这是昆虫对tRNA进行重新分配的第一例。此外,根据密码子使用的比较分析,在带有可变拷贝的tRNA的曼陀罗有丝分裂基因组之间未观察到显着差异。结合系统发育分析,tRNA的特征在本研究中仅拥有有限的系统发育信息。然而,基因重排,复制和重新分配的这些特征为了解昆虫有丝分裂基因组的进化提供了有价值的信息。



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