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Chemosensory signalling pathways involved in sensing of amino acids by the ghrelin cell




Taste receptors on enteroendocrine cells sense nutrients and transmit signals that control gut hormone release. This study aimed to investigate the amino acid (AA) sensing mechanisms of the ghrelin cell in a gastric ghrelinoma cell line, tissue segments and mice. Peptone and specific classes of amino acids stimulate ghrelin secretion in the ghrelinoma cell line. Sensing of L-Phe occurs via the CaSR, monosodium glutamate via the TAS1R1-TAS1R3 while L-Ala and peptone act via 2 different amino acid taste receptors: CaSR & TAS1R1-TAS1R3 and CaSR & GPRC6A, respectively. The stimulatory effect of peptone on ghrelin release was mimicked ex vivo in gastric but not in jejunal tissue segments, where peptone inhibited ghrelin release. The latter effect could not be blocked by receptor antagonists for CCK, GLP-1 or somatostatin. In vivo , plasma ghrelin levels were reduced both upon intragastric (peptone or L-Phe) or intravenous (L-Phe) administration, indicating that AA- sensing is not polarized and is due to inhibition of ghrelin release from the stomach or duodenum respectively. In conclusion, functional AA taste receptors regulate AA-induced ghrelin release in vitro . The effects differ between stomach and jejunum but these local nutrient sensing mechanisms are overruled in vivo by indirect mechanisms inhibiting ghrelin release.
机译:肠内分泌细胞上的味觉受体感知营养并传递控制肠道激素释放的信号。这项研究旨在研究胃ghrelinoma细胞系,组织片段和小鼠中ghrelin细胞的氨基酸(AA)感应机制。蛋白ept和特定类型的氨基酸可刺激ghrelinoma细胞系中ghrelin的分泌。 L-Phe的感应通过CaSR,谷氨酸钠通过TAS1R1-TAS1R3进行,而L-Ala和蛋白ept则通过2种不同的氨基酸味觉受体起作用:CaSR和TAS1R1-TAS1R3以及CaSR和GPRC6A。蛋白ex对ghrelin释放的刺激作用在胃中被模仿,而在蛋白抑制ghrelin释放的空肠组织部分则没有。后一种作用不能被CCK,GLP-1或生长抑素的受体拮抗剂所阻断。在体内,通过胃内(pe或L-Phe)或静脉内(L-Phe)给药,血浆生长激素释放肽水平均降低,表明AA感应未极化,并且分别是由于胃壁生长激素释放肽从胃或十二指肠释放的抑制。总之,功能性AA味觉受体在体外调节AA诱导的生长素释放肽的释放。胃和空肠的作用不同,但是体内抑制生长素释放肽释放的间接机制在体内否决了这些局部营养物感应机制。



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