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Luminescence in the fluoride-containing phosphate-based glasses: A possible origin of their high resistance to nanosecond pulse laser-induced damage




Fusion power offers the prospect of an almost inexhaustible source of energy for future generations. It was reported that fusion fuel gains exceeding unity on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) were achieved, but so far great deal of scientific and engineering challenges have to be overcome for realizing fusion power generation. There is a bottleneck for color-separation gratings in NIF and other similar inertial confinement fusion (ICF) lasers. Here we show a series of high performance phosphate-based glasses that can transmit the third harmonic frequency (3ω) laser light with high efficiency meanwhile filter the fundamental (1ω) and the second harmonic frequency (2ω) laser lights through direct absorption, and especially they exhibit excellent damage threshold induced by nanosecond pulse laser compared with that of the fused silica used in NIF. Yellowish-orange fluorescence emits during the laser-material interaction process, and it can be tailored through regulating the glass structure. Study on its structural origin suggests that the fluorescence emission is a key factor that conduces to the high laser-induced damage resistance of these glasses. The results also indicated the feasibility of utilizing these high performance glasses in novel color separation optics, allowing novel design for the final optics assembly in ICF lasers.
机译:聚变能为子孙后代提供了几乎不竭的能源。据报道,在国家点火设施(NIF)上获得了超过统一的聚变燃料收益,但是到目前为止,要实现聚变发电,必须克服许多科学和工程方面的挑战。 NIF和其他类似的惯性约束聚变(ICF)激光器中存在分色光栅的瓶颈。在这里,我们展示了一系列高性能的磷酸盐基玻璃,它们可以高效地透射三次谐波(3ω)激光,同时通过直接吸收来滤除基波(1ω)和二次谐波(2ω)激光,特别是与NIF中使用的熔融石英相比,它们具有纳秒级脉冲激光诱导的出色损伤阈值。橙黄色荧光在激光与材料的相互作用过程中发出,可以通过调节玻璃结构来定制。关于其结构起源的研究表明,荧光发射是导致这些玻璃具有高激光诱导的抗损伤性的关键因素。结果还表明在新型分色光学器件中使用这些高性能眼镜的可行性,从而为ICF激光器中的最终光学器件组件提供新颖的设计。



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