首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vision >The effect of ultrashort light pulse intensity on human circadian phase

The effect of ultrashort light pulse intensity on human circadian phase




The central circadian pacemaker in humans is innervated by melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs), which signal light information over both long durations and large visual angles. Temporal summation is likely due to the extended post-stimulus firing of mRGCs. Coupling temporal summation with periods of darkness between light stimuli, to allow for chromophore regeneration or adaptation, explains our observation that pulsed light is far more effective in engendering changes in circadian timing than continuous light: 2 ms pulses of 1700a??1800 lux light administered every 7.7 s for an hour generates nearly three-fold the shift in circadian timing as the same illuminance administered steadily for an hour. Separate from inter-stimulus interval timing, little else is understood about the relationship between light flashes and their impact on the circadian clock. Increasing illuminance of continuous light has a sigmoidal relationship with circadian phase shifting, but the relationship between the intensity of pulsed light and circadian phase change is unknown and will be determined in the current study. After two weeks of a regular athome sleep/wake schedule (established via actigraphy), participants enter the laboratory for two days of monitoring. Two hours after habitual bedtime, participants are exposed to an hour-long sequence of broad spectrum full field 2 ms flashes, spaced every 15 s and ranging from 3 to 3000 lux. Shifts in salivary melatonin onset between the evening before and after the light stimulus will be determined during constant posture protocols and the dose response curve for illuminance and phase change modelled.
机译:人体中的昼夜节律起搏器受含黑色素的视网膜神经节细胞(mRGC)支配,该信号在长时间和大视角范围内发出光信息。时间累加可能是由于刺激后的mRGC触发时间延长。将时间总和与光刺激之间的黑暗周期耦合在一起,以允许生色团再生或适应,这说明了我们的观察结果:脉冲光在昼夜节律变化方面比连续光更有效:施加2 ms的1700a ?? 1800 lux脉冲光在一个小时内,每7.7 s产生的昼夜节律变化几乎是三倍于昼夜节律的变化。与刺激间的间隔时间分开,对闪光及其对生物钟的影响之间的关系知之甚少。连续光的照度增加与生物钟相移呈S形关系,但脉冲光强度与生物钟相变之间的关系尚不明确,将在本研究中确定。经过两周的常规在家睡眠/唤醒时间表(通过书法确定)后,参与者进入实验室进行为期两天的监控。习惯性就寝时间后两小时,参与者将经历一个长达一小时的广谱全场2 ms闪烁序列,间隔为15 s,范围为3至3000 lux。在恒定姿势协议期间,将确定光刺激前后傍晚唾液褪黑激素发作的变化,并模拟照度和相变的剂量响应曲线。



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