首页> 外文期刊>Journal of bacteriology >Campylobacter fetus Uses Multiple Loci for DNA Inversion within the 5′ Conserved Regions ofsap Homologs

Campylobacter fetus Uses Multiple Loci for DNA Inversion within the 5′ Conserved Regions ofsap Homologs




Campylobacter fetus cells possess multiple promoterless sap homologs, each capable of expressing a surface layer protein (SLP) by utilizing a unique promoter present on a 6.2-kb invertible element. Each sap homolog includes a 626-bp 5′ conserved region (FCR) with 74 bp upstream and 552 bp within the open reading frame. After DNA inversion, the splice is seamless because the FCRs are identical. In mutant strain 23D:ACA2K101, in whichsapA and sapA2 flanking the invertible element in opposite orientations were disrupted by promoterless chloramphenicol resistance (Cmr) and kanamycin resistance (Kmr) cassettes, respectively, the frequency of DNA inversion is 100-fold lower than that of wild-type strain 23D. To define the roles of a 15-bp inverted repeat (IR) and a Chi-like site (CLS) in the FCR, we mutagenized each upstream of sapA2in 23D:ACA2K101 by introducing NotI andKpnI sites to create strains 23D:ACA2K101N and 23D:ACA2K101K, respectively. Alternatively selecting colonies for Cmr or Kmr showed that mutagenizing the IR or CLS had no apparent effect on the frequency of the DNA inversion. However, mapping the unique NotI or KpnI site in relation to the Cmr or Kmr cassette in the cells that changed phenotype showed that splices occurred both upstream and downstream of the mutated sites. PCR and sequence analyses also showed that the splice could occur in the 425-bp portion of the FCR downstream of the cassettes. In total, these data indicate that C.fetus can use multiple sites within the FCR for itssap-related DNA inversion.
机译: Campylobacter fetus 细胞具有多个无启动子的 sap 同源物,每个同源物都可以利用存在于6.2-kb可逆元件上的独特启动子来表达表面层蛋白(SLP)。每个 sap 同源物都包括一个626 bp的5'保守区(FCR),其上游阅读框为74 bp,开放阅读框内为552 bp。 DNA反转后,由于FCR相同,所以拼接是无缝的。在突变株23D:ACA2K101中,可逆分子抗氯霉素(Cm r )破坏了可逆元件两侧的 sapA sapA2 和卡那霉素抗性(Km r )盒,DNA转化的频率比野生型菌株23D低100倍。为了定义FCR中15 bp反向重复序列(IR)和Chi样位点(CLS)的作用,我们通过引入 Not来诱变23D:ACA2K101中 sapA2 的每个上游 I和 Kpn I位点分别产生菌株23D:ACA2K101 N 和23D:ACA2K101 K 。或者选择Cm r 或Km r 的菌落表明诱变IR或CLS对DNA转化的频率没有明显影响。但是,相对于Cm r 或Km r 盒带,映射唯一的 Not I或 Kpn I位点表型改变的细胞表明剪接发生在突变位点的上游和下游。 PCR和序列分析还表明,剪接可能发生在盒下游FCR的425-bp部分中。总体而言,这些数据表明 C 胎儿可以使用FCR中的多个位点进行与 sap 相关的DNA转化。



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