首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Migraine and Co-Existing IBS-Migraine in Medical Students

Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Migraine and Co-Existing IBS-Migraine in Medical Students




Introduction: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and migraine frequently co-exist. Stress is a major contributing factor for both. Our medical students are subjected to stress related to the implicit responsibility of courses. But the prevalence of IBS, migraine and co-existing migraine in medical students is not known.Aim: To estimate the prevalence of migraine, IBS and co-existing IBS and migraine among medical students. A Cross-Sectional Survey.Materials and Methods: Self-reported questionnaire based study, was conducted in which migraine was defined according to International Headache Society (IHS) criteria while IBS by both Asian criteria and Rome III criteria. Both preclinical (n=142) and clinical students (n=151) of four medical colleges (government and private) of Dhaka and Sylhet district participated in the study.Statistical Analysis: Student's t-test and chi-square test were used to compare the distributions of continuous data and categorical data respectively with significance level set at 0.05 or less.Results: Among the 293 students (mean age 21.09 ± 2.24 years) volunteered in the study (Males= 177), 14 (4.8%, 11 males, 3 females, p = 0.175) met the criteria for IBS with comparable prevalence among preclinical and clinical (4.2% vs. 5.3%, p = 0.787) students from both private and government institutions (2.1% vs. 7.2%, p = 0.055). IBS-D was the most prevalent subtype (n = 8, M = 6) and abdominal pain relieved by defecation (n = 11), was the most prevalent symptom. Fifty percent (n = 7) of IBS patients considered their bowel habit as normal. Among the 221 (75.4%) students with headache, only 51 (17.4%, 20 males and 31 females, p = 0.001) were diagnosed of migraine, with comparable prevalence among preclinical and clinical students (16.2% vs. 18.5%, p = 0.645). Only 17 (33%) subjects with migraine had accompanying aura. Common triggers were stress (n = 43), lack of sleep (n = 42), and daily life events. Twelve (23.5%) subjects with migraine had migraine-associated frequent disability. Only two female students with IBS-D (14.3%) had concomitant IBS and migraine.Conclusion: IBS and concomitant migraine - IBS prevalence was found to be low in our medical students, but migraine prevalence corresponds to other countries as well as in medical students.
机译:简介:肠易激综合症(IBS)和偏头痛经常并存。压力是两者的主要因素。我们的医学生承受与课程的隐性责任有关的压力。但尚不清楚医学生中IBS,偏头痛和并存偏头痛的患病率。目的:评估医学生中偏头痛,IBS以及IBS和偏头痛并存的患病率。跨部门调查。材料与方法:进行了基于自我报告的调查表的研究,其中偏头痛是根据国际头痛协会(IHS)的标准定义的,而IBS是根据亚洲的标准和罗马III的标准定义的。达卡和锡尔赫特地区的四所医学院(政府和私立)的临床前学生(n = 142)和临床学生(n = 151)均参加了这项研究。统计分析:使用学生的t检验和卡方检验进行比较结果:志愿研究的293名学生(平均年龄21.09±2.24岁)(男性= 177)中有14名(4.8%,11名男性),其显着性水平被设置为0.05以下。来自私立和政府机构的3名女性,p = 0.175)达到了IBS标准,在临床前和临床中的患病率相当(4.2%vs. 5.3%,p = 0.787)(2.1%vs. 7.2%,p = 0.055) 。 IBS-D是最普遍的亚型(n = 8,M = 6),通过排便缓解的腹痛(n = 11)是最普遍的症状。 IBS患者中有百分之五十(n = 7)认为他们的排便习惯是正常的。在221名(75.4%)头痛学生中,只有51名(17.4%,男20名,女31名,p = 0.001)被诊断为偏头痛,临床前和临床学生的患病率相当(16.2%对18.5%,p = 0.645)。只有17(33%)名偏头痛患者伴有先兆。常见的触发因素是压力(n = 43),睡眠不足(n = 42)和日常生活事件。十二名(23.5%)偏头痛患者患有偏头痛相关的频繁残疾。结论:IBS和偏头痛同时发生-IBS患病率较低,但只有两名患有IBS-D的女学生(14.3%)有IBS和偏头痛伴随发生。 。



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