首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Tetra-Phocomelia: The Seal Limb Deformity - A Case Report

Tetra-Phocomelia: The Seal Limb Deformity - A Case Report




We report a case of term live baby with tetra-phocomelia born to a 35-year-old G3P2L2A0 with history of consanguineous marriage. She was an unbooked case from a tribal community with no previous antenatal visits. At 39 wk of gestation, she was admitted to our hospital with complaint of pain abdomen and on examination was found to be in second stage of labour. She delivered vaginally a term live 2.5 kg female baby with multiple anomalies. There was no history of drug intake, radiation exposure, maternal diabetes or family history of congenital anomalies to support the occurrence of tetra-phocomelia in this baby. The neonate also had multiple facial abnormalities like hypertelorism, microretrognathia and partial cleft palate. Further investigations revealed no abnormalities of internal organs. At present the baby is being followed up at our paediatric department. The case is reported owing to its rarity and term live birth.



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