首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Bilateral Vocal Cord Palsy with Arnold Chiari Malformation:A Rare Case Series

Bilateral Vocal Cord Palsy with Arnold Chiari Malformation:A Rare Case Series

机译:双边声带麻痹伴Arnold Chiari畸形:罕见病例系列



Stridor in paediatric age group is not an uncommon presentation to the ENT emergency. The range of differential diagnosis is vast. The presentation may vary from noisy breathing to severe respiratory distress and apnea. Early and meticulous diagnosis is crucial for the management as the condition may be life threatening. We report a rare case series of 3 infants with Arnold Chiari Malformation who presented to the hospital with stridor and were diagnosed with bilateral vocal cord palsy. These 3 infants had similar underlying neurological condition with hydrocephalus and raised intracranial pressure. Chiari malformation is the one of the most common congenital central nervous system anomaly associated with bilateral vocal cord paralysis. However, the presentation is rare. This article, thus, emphasizes the significance of early diagnosis and immediate management of this condition.
机译:小儿年龄组的马鞍马术并不是耳鼻喉科急诊的常见表现。鉴别诊断的范围很广。表现可能从嘈杂的呼吸到严重的呼吸窘迫和呼吸暂停不等。早期和细致的诊断对于管理至关重要,因为这种情况可能危及生命。我们报告了3例Arnold Chiari畸形婴儿的罕见病例系列,这些婴儿随呼吸器一起到医院就诊,并被诊断出患有双侧声带麻痹。这3例婴儿的潜在神经系统疾病与脑积水相似,颅内压升高。 Chiari畸形是与双侧声带麻痹相关的最常见的先天性中枢神经系统异常之一。但是,这种介绍很少。因此,本文强调了对此病的早期诊断和立即处理的重要性。



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