首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Malnutrition Among Under-Five Children of Kadukuruba Tribe: Need to Reach the Unreached

Malnutrition Among Under-Five Children of Kadukuruba Tribe: Need to Reach the Unreached




Introduction: Poor nutritional status of tribal children observed in different parts of India, calls for introspection into various factors influencing it, in order to seek remedial measures.Objectives: To assess the prevalence of malnutrition among under-five children of Kadukuruba tribe and socio-demographic factors associated with it.Materials and Methods: Community based cross-sectional study was done in Kadukuruba tribes of Mysore district over a period of one year among 101 under-five children. Socio- demographic information and anthropometric measurements were obtained by using standard techniques. Height and weight of each child was compared with WHO child growth standards- 2006 for that particular age and sex to get W/A, H/A and W/H Indices and below 2SD of the reference median on these indices were considered as underweight, stunted and wasted respectively.Results: Prevalence of underweight, stunting and wasting was 60.4 %, 55.4% and 43% respectively which was significantly associated with respect to age, presence of ration card in the family and egg in the child?s diet.Conclusion: Significantly higher prevalence of under-nutrition was noted among under-five children in this community. This calls for educating mothers and other caretakers in the family regarding increased nutritional requirements with increasing age, strengthening Public Distribution System and ensuring egg made available in the regular weekly Menu at all Anganwadi?s.
机译:简介:在印度各地观察到的部落儿童营养状况不佳,要求对影响其的各种因素进行反思,以寻求补救措施。目的:评估Kadukuruba部落的5岁以下儿童和社会儿童的营养不良患病率材料和方法:在迈索尔地区的卡杜鲁巴部落,对101名五岁以下儿童进行了为期一年的社区横断面研究。社会人口统计学信息和人体测量学通过使用标准技术获得。将每个孩子的身高和体重与WHO的特定年龄和性别的儿童生长标准进行比较-2006年,以获得W / A,H / A和W / H指数,并且这些指数的参考中位数低于2SD被认为是体重过轻,结果:体重不足,发育不良和消瘦的患病率分别为60.4%,55.4%和43%,这与年龄,家庭中是否有配给卡以及儿童饮食中的鸡蛋显着相关。 :在这个社区的五岁以下儿童中,营养不良的患病率明显更高。这就要求对母亲和家庭中的其他看护人进行培训,使其随着年龄的增长而增加营养需求,加强公共分配系统,并确保在所有Anganwadi?s的每周例行菜单中都提供鸡蛋。



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