首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >The Morphological Variations of the Human Spleen

The Morphological Variations of the Human Spleen




Introduction: The spleen is an important lymphatic organ in the human body. Its immunological and haematological functions are being well realized now-a-days. The aim of this study was to find out the morphological variations of the spleen and to compare them with the findings of previous studies.Materials and Methods: The present study included 111 human cadaveric spleens. The morphological features of the spleen like its length, breadth, width and weight were measured. The shape, poles, borders, surfaces and the impressions on the spleen were observed. Accessory splenic tissues, if they were present, were noted. Results: The lengths of the spleens varied between 5 cm to 13 cm, with an average of 9.66 cm. Their breadth was between 3.5 and 9.5 cm. The average breadth was 6.22 cm. Their widths varied between 1.5 and 5.5 cm, with an average of 3.06 cm. The weights of the spleens showed great variations, ranging between 80 and 300 gm, with an average of 145.76 gm. Various shapes of the spleens were observed in the present study. Most of the spleens were wedge shaped [61.26%], followed by tetrahedral [21.61%] and triangular [12.61%] shapes. Additional oval and irregular shapes of the spleens were observed in 3.60% and 0.09% cases respectively. In all the spleens, two poles, two borders and two surfaces were observed. The diaphragmatic surface of the spleen showed a uniform morphology while its visceral surface showed gastric, renal, colic and pancreatic impressions. The splenic notches were present on the superior as well as on the inferior borders. In most of the cases [74.76%], the notches were found on the superior border. The number of notches varied from zero to six, but in most of the cases [58.55%], there were 1 or 2 notches. Accessory spleens were found in 4.50% cases, in the form of roundish nodules. They were observed at the hilum of the spleen. Conclusion: The findings of the present study will be of fundamental importance to the physicians, surgeons and radiologists and of course, this knowledge is very important for the anatomists during their routine classroom dissections.
机译:简介:脾脏是人体中重要的淋巴器官。如今,其免疫学和血液学功能已得到很好的实现。这项研究的目的是找出脾脏的形态变化,并将其与以前的研究结果进行比较。材料与方法:本研究包括111个人体尸体脾脏。测量了脾的形态特征,如其长度,宽度,宽度和重量。观察到形状,极点,边界,表面和脾脏上的印痕。如果存在附属脾组织,则予以注意。结果:脾脏的长度在5厘米至13厘米之间变化,平均为9.66厘米。它们的宽度在3.5到9.5厘米之间。平均宽度为6.22厘米。它们的宽度在1.5到5.5厘米之间变化,平均为3.06厘米。脾脏的重量显示出很大的变化,介于80到300 gm之间,平均为145.76 gm。在本研究中观察到各种形状的脾脏。大部分脾脏呈楔形[61.26%],其次是四面体[21.61%]和三角形[12.61%]。分别在3.60%和0.09%的病例中观察到另外的脾脏椭圆形和不规则形状。在所有脾脏中,观察到两个极,两个边界和两个表面。脾脏的diaphragm肌表面表现出均匀的形态,而其内脏表面表现出胃,肾,绞痛和胰腺的印记。上,下边界都有脾口。在大多数情况下[74.76%],在上边界发现了缺口。刻痕的数量从零到六个不等,但是在大多数情况下[58.55%],有1或2个刻痕。附属脾脏呈圆形结节状,占4.50%。在脾门处观察到它们。结论:本研究的发现对医师,外科医生和放射科医生至关重要,当然,这些知识对于解剖学家在日常教室解剖中非常重要。



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