首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cell biology >Asterless is required for centriole length control and sperm development

Asterless is required for centriole length control and sperm development




Centrioles are the foundation of two organelles, centrosomes and cilia. Centriole numbers and functions are tightly controlled, and mutations in centriole proteins are linked to a variety of diseases, including microcephaly. Loss of the centriole protein Asterless (Asl), the Drosophila melanogaster orthologue of Cep152, prevents centriole duplication, which has limited the study of its nonduplication functions. Here, we identify populations of cells with Asl-free centrioles in developing Drosophila tissues, allowing us to assess its duplication-independent function. We show a role for Asl in controlling centriole length in germline and somatic tissue, functioning via the centriole protein Cep97. We also find that Asl is not essential for pericentriolar material recruitment or centrosome function in organizing mitotic spindles. Lastly, we show that Asl is required for proper basal body function and spermatid axoneme formation. Insights into the role of Asl/Cep152 beyond centriole duplication could help shed light on how Cep152 mutations lead to the development of microcephaly.
机译:中心是两个细胞器,中心体和纤毛的基础。中心蛋白的数量和功能受到严格控制,中心蛋白的突变与包括小头畸形在内的多种疾病有关。 Cep152的果蝇黑腹果蝇的中心蛋白Asterless(Asl)的丢失阻止了中心蛋白的复制,这限制了其非复制功能的研究。在这里,我们确定了果蝇组织发育中无Asl中心的细胞群体,从而使我们能够评估其复制独立功能。我们显示了Asl在控制种系和体细胞组织中的中心粒长度上的作用,并通过中心粒蛋白Cep97起作用。我们还发现,在组织有丝分裂纺锤体中,Asl对于中心小体周围物质募集或中心体功能不是必需的。最后,我们显示Asl是适当的基础身体功能和精子轴突形成所必需的。深入了解Asl / Cep152在中心粒复制之外的作用可能有助于阐明Cep152突变如何导致小头畸形的发展。



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