首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Detection of Genes Encoding Internalization-Associated Proteins in Streptococcus pyogenes Isolates from Patients with Invasive Diseases and Asymptomatic Carriers

Detection of Genes Encoding Internalization-Associated Proteins in Streptococcus pyogenes Isolates from Patients with Invasive Diseases and Asymptomatic Carriers




A total of 161 Streptococcus pyogenes isolates from patients with invasive infections or from asymptomatic carriers were examined for genes (prtF1, prtF2, and fba) coding for fibronectin-binding proteins to evaluate their involvement in the pathogenesis of different streptococcal manifestations. We found no significant differences in the presence of these three genes between the two groups. Overall, the prtF2 gene was present in similar percentages among strains from both sources (61% versus 63%). Strains carrying the gene fba were slightly more common among those isolated from asymptomatic carriers (72.6% versus 65%). Also, the prtF1 gene was present in a higher, but not significant, percentage among strains from throat swabs than among isolates from invasive infections (75% versus 64.9%). However, this more detailed characterization of the genes encoding fibronectin-binding proteins allowed us to identify a strong association of genes of the erm class, coding for macrolide resistance, with prtF1 and prtF2 rather than with prtF1 alone. Since macrolide resistance was significantly associated with throat swab isolates, it may be hypothesized that proteins coded by prtF1 and prtF2 genes may be synergic in providing support for cell invasion and/or colonizing or persistence efficiency.
机译:共检查了161株来自侵袭性感染或无症状携带者的化脓链球菌分离株的基因( prtF1 prtF2 fba )编码纤连蛋白结合蛋白,以评估其参与不同链球菌表现的发病机理。我们发现两组之间这三个基因的存在没有显着差异。总体而言,两种来源的菌株中 prtF2 基因的百分比相似(61%对63%)。从无症状携带者分离的菌株中,带有基因 fba 的菌株更为普遍(分别为72.6%和65%)。而且, prtF1 基因在咽拭子菌株中所占的百分比高于但在侵袭性感染分离株中所占的百分比却不高(75%比64.9%)。然而,这种对纤连蛋白结合蛋白编码基因的更详细的表征使我们能够鉴定出 erm 类基因(编码大环内酯类耐药性)与 prtF1 prtF2 而不是单独使用 prtF1 。由于大环内酯类抗药性与咽拭子分离物显着相关,因此可以假设 prtF1 prtF2 基因编码的蛋白质在支持细胞侵袭和/或定殖方面可能具有协同作用。或持久性效率。



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