首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Evaluation of an indirect fluorescent-antibody stain for detection of Pneumocystis carinii in respiratory specimens.

Evaluation of an indirect fluorescent-antibody stain for detection of Pneumocystis carinii in respiratory specimens.




Two prospective studies were undertaken to evaluate a commercial indirect fluorescent-antibody (IFA) stain for the detection of Pneumocystis carinii in respiratory specimens from individuals at risk for or with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The first study compared IFA with Diff-Quik (DQ; a rapid Giemsa-like stain) for detecting P. carinii in 95 induced sputa obtained from 77 asymptomatic patients who had survived one previous episode of P. carinii pneumonia and who were being treated prophylactically with aerosolized pentamidine. Only one induced sputum specimen was found to contain P. carinii; organisms were detected by both stains. The second study compared the performance of the IFA stain versus DQ, modified toluidine blue O, and Gomori methenamine silver stains for detecting P. carinii in symptomatic individuals at risk for or with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Of 182 specimens examined, P. carinii was detected in 105 by one or more stains; the DQ stain detected 73 (70%), the modified toluidine blue O stain detected 75 (71%), the Gomori methenamine silver stain detected 76 (72%), and the IFA stain detected 95 (90%). The IFA stain was more sensitive (P less than 0.01) than the other traditional stains for detecting P. carinii; however, a subsequent clinical evaluation revealed that a subset of IFA-positive-only specimens were from patients whose clinical symptoms resolved without specific anti-P. carinii therapy.
机译:进行了两项前瞻性研究,以评估用于检测呼吸道标本中卡氏肺孢子虫的商业间接荧光抗体(IFA)染色剂,该标本来自有风险或患有获得性免疫缺陷综合症的个体。第一项研究将IFA与Diff-Quik(DQ;吉姆萨氏快速染色)进行了比较,以检测从77例无症状患者中获得的95例诱导的痰中的卡氏疟原虫。与雾化喷他idine。仅发现一个诱导痰标本中含有卡氏疟原虫。两种污渍都检测到了生物。第二项研究比较了IFA染色与DQ,改良的甲苯胺蓝O和Gomori甲基苯二胺银染色在有风险或患有获得性免疫缺陷综合症的有症状个体中检测卡氏疟原虫的性能。在检查的182个标本中,通过一种或多种染色剂在105个中检出了卡氏疟原虫。 DQ染色检出73(70%),修饰的甲苯胺蓝O染色检出75(71%),Gomori甲基苯二胺银染色检出76(72%),IFA染色检出95(90%)。 IFA染色比其他传统染色对卡氏疟原虫的检测更为敏感(P小于0.01)。但是,随后的临床评估表明,仅IFA阳性标本的子集来自其临床症状得以缓解而无特异性抗P的患者。卡里尼疗法。



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