首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Pilot Study of COBAS PCR and Ligase Chain Reaction for Detection of Rectal Infections Due to Chlamydia trachomatis

Pilot Study of COBAS PCR and Ligase Chain Reaction for Detection of Rectal Infections Due to Chlamydia trachomatis

机译:COBAS PCR和连接酶链反应检测沙眼衣原体引起的直肠感染的初步研究



We tested rectal specimens from men who have sex with men for Chlamydia trachomatis by using COBAS PCR (Roche Diagnostics) and ligase chain reaction LCR (Abbott laboratories) and compared three PCR specimen-processing procedures. Chlamydiae were detected by one or more procedures in 22 of 186 specimens. All three PCR tests were positive for 17 specimens, all of which also tested positive by LCR.
机译:我们使用COBAS PCR(罗氏诊断公司)和连接酶链反应LCR(Abbott实验室)测试了男男性接触者的沙眼衣原体直肠样本,并比较了三种PCR样本处理程序。通过一种或多种方法在186个样本中的22个中检测出衣原体。所有三个PCR测试均对17个标本呈阳性,所有这些标本也通过LCR测试呈阳性。


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