首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Development of a Highly Specific RecombinantToxocara canis Second-Stage Larva Excretory-Secretory Antigen for Immunodiagnosis of Human Toxocariasis

Development of a Highly Specific RecombinantToxocara canis Second-Stage Larva Excretory-Secretory Antigen for Immunodiagnosis of Human Toxocariasis




The specificity of the recombinant Toxocara canisantigen developed for the immunodiagnosis of human toxocariasis was compared with that of the excretory-secretory antigen from T. canis second-stage larvae (TES) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. A total of 153 human serum samples from patients infected with 20 different helminths, including 11 cases of toxocariasis, were examined. No false-negative reactions were observed for the toxocariasis cases. When the TES was used at concentrations of 0.5 and 0.125 μg/ml, cross-reactions were observed in 79 (55.6%) and 61 (43.0%) of 142 cases, respectively. In contrast, when the recombinant antigen was tested at a concentration of 0.5 μg/ml, cross-reactions were observed in 19 (13.4%) of 142 cases. At a concentration of 0.125 μg/ml, however, the cross-reaction rate decreased sharply to only 2.1%, corresponding to 3 of 142 cases. The cross-reactions occurred with one case each of gnathostomiasis, paragonimiasis withParagonimus miyazakii, and spirometriasis, in which high antibody titers were detected. In addition, the recombinant antigen showed negative reactions with serum samples from patients infected with Ascaris and hookworms, which are the most common parasites in the world. These findings are also supported by experiments with animals infected with Ascaris and hookworm. From these results, the recombinant antigen is highly specific for toxocariasis and may provide more reliable diagnostic results than other methods.
机译:比较了为人弓形虫病的免疫诊断开发的重组 Toxocara canis 抗原与 T的排泄-分泌抗原的特异性。酶联免疫吸附法测定犬第二阶段幼虫(TES)。总共检查了153种人血清样品,这些样品来自感染20种不同蠕虫的患者,其中包括11例弓形虫病。对于弓形虫病病例,未观察到假阴性反应。当以0.5和0.125μg/ ml的浓度使用TES时,分别在142例病例中观察到交叉反应,分别为79(55.6%)和61(43.0%)。相反,当以0.5μg/ ml的浓度测试重组抗原时,在142例中的19例(13.4%)中观察到交叉反应。但是,浓度为0.125μg/ ml时,交叉反应率急剧下降至仅2.1%,相当于142例中的3例。交叉反应发生在鼻咽口虫病,伴有宫旁炎的肺吸虫病和螺旋体湿疹各1例中,其中抗体滴度高。此外,重组抗原与感染<虫和钩虫的患者的血清样品显示出阴性反应,reactions虫和钩虫是世界上最常见的寄生虫。这些结果也得到了感染em虫和钩虫的动物实验的支持。根据这些结果,重组抗原对弓形虫病具有高度特异性,并且可以提供比其他方法更可靠的诊断结果。



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