首页> 外文期刊>Hypertension: An Official Journal of the American Heart Association >Role of Angiotensin II Type 1A Receptors in Cardiovascular Reactivity and Neuronal Activation After Aversive Stress in Mice

Role of Angiotensin II Type 1A Receptors in Cardiovascular Reactivity and Neuronal Activation After Aversive Stress in Mice

机译:血管紧张素II 1A型受体在小鼠厌恶应激后心血管反应和神经元激活中的作用



We determined whether genetic deficiency of angiotensin II Type 1A (AT1A) receptors in mice results in altered neuronal responsiveness and reduced cardiovascular reactivity to stress. Telemetry devices were used to measure mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and activity. Before stress, lower resting mean arterial pressure was recorded in AT1A?/? (85±2 mm Hg) than in AT1A+/+ (112±2 mm Hg) mice; heart rate was not different between groups. Cage-switch stress for 90 minutes elevated blood pressure by +24±2 mm Hg in AT1A+/+ and +17±2 mm Hg in AT1A?/? mice ( P <0.01), and heart rate increased by +203±9 bpm in AT1A+/+ and +121±9 bpm in AT1A?/? mice ( P <0.001). Locomotor activation was less in AT1A?/? (3.0±0.4 U) than in AT1A+/+ animals (6.0±0.4 U), but differences in blood pressure and heart rate persisted during nonactive periods. In contrast to wild-type mice, spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity was not inhibited by stress in AT1A?/? mice. After cage-switch stress, c-Fos immunoreactivity was less in the paraventricular ( P <0.001) and dorsomedial ( P =0.001) nuclei of the hypothalamus and rostral ventrolateral medulla ( P <0.001) in AT1A?/? compared with AT1A+/+ mice. Conversely, greater c-Fos immunoreactivity was observed in the medial nucleus of the amygdala, caudal ventrolateral medulla, and nucleus of the solitary tract ( P <0.001) of AT1A?/? compared with AT1A+/+ mice. Greater activation of the amygdala suggests that AT1A receptors normally inhibit the degree of stress-induced anxiety, whereas the lesser activation of the hypothalamus and rostral ventrolateral medulla suggests that AT1A receptors play a key role in autonomic cardiovascular reactions to acute aversive stress, as well as for stress-induced inhibition of the baroreflex.
机译:我们确定了小鼠中血管紧张素II 1A型(AT1A)受体的遗传缺陷是否导致神经元反应性改变和心血管应激反应性降低。遥测设备用于测量平均动脉压,心率和活动。在压力之前,AT1Aβ/β记录到较低的静息平均动脉压。 (85±2 mm Hg)比AT1A + / +(112±2 mm Hg)小鼠高;两组之间的心率无差异。笼切换应力持续90分钟,使AT1A + / +中的血压升高+ 24±2 mm Hg,而AT1A?/?中的血压升高+ 17±2 mm Hg。小鼠(P <0.01),AT1A + / +的心率增加+ 203±9 bpm,AT1Aβ/α的心率增加+ 121±9 bpm。小鼠(P <0.001)。 AT1Aβ/β中的运动激活较少。 (3.0±0.4 U)高于AT1A + / +动物(6.0±0.4 U),但在非活动期血压和心率仍存在差异。与野生型小鼠相反,AT1Aβ/β中的压力没有抑制自发性压力反射敏感性。老鼠。笼切换应力后,在AT1Aβ/β下丘脑和下丘脑腹侧延髓(p <0.001)的室旁核(p <0.001)和背侧核(p = 0.001)中,c-Fos免疫反应性较低。与AT1A + / +小鼠相比。相反,在AT1Aβ/β的杏仁核,尾侧腹外侧延髓和孤立道核中观察到更高的c-Fos免疫反应性(P <0.001)。与AT1A + / +小鼠相比。杏仁核的更大活化表明,AT1A受体通常抑制应激诱导的焦虑程度,而下丘脑和延髓腹侧延髓的活化程度较小,则表明AT1A受体在自主神经对急性厌恶性应激的反应中起着关键作用。用于压力诱导的压力反射抑制。



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