首页> 外文期刊>Procedia Computer Science >A Perspective on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Systems Implementation in Industrie 4.0

A Perspective on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Systems Implementation in Industrie 4.0




A worldwide trend in advanced manufacturing countries is defining Industrie 4.0, Industrial Internet and Factories of the Future as a new wave that can revolutionize the production and its associated services. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are central to this vision and are entitled to be part of smart machines, storage systems and production facilities able to exchange information with autonomy and intelligence. Such systems should be able to decide and trigger actions, and control each other independently and for such reason it is required the use of Knowledge based and intelligent information approaches. In this paper we present our perspective on how to support Industrie 4.0 with Knowledge based and intelligent systems. We focus in the conceptual model, architecture and necessary elements we believe are required for a real world implementation. We base our conceptualization in the experiences gathered during the participation in different ongoing research projects where the presented architecture is being implemented.
机译:先进制造业国家的全球趋势正在将工业4.0,工业互联网和未来工厂定义为可以彻底改变生产及其相关服务的新浪潮。网络物理系统(CPS)是此愿景的核心,并有权成为智能机器,存储系统和生产设施的一部分,这些机器能够与自治和智能交换信息。这样的系统应该能够决定和触发动作,并独立地相互控制,因此,需要使用基于知识的智能信息方法。在本文中,我们提出了有关如何通过基于知识的智能系统来支持Industrie 4.0的观点。我们专注于我们认为在现实世界中实现所需的概念模型,体系结构和必要元素。我们将概念化基于参与正在实施所提出的体系结构的不同正在进行的研究项目期间收集的经验。



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