首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Harmonizing Quality Criteria of Regional Horticultural Products and Customers’ Decision in Hungary

Harmonizing Quality Criteria of Regional Horticultural Products and Customers’ Decision in Hungary




Questionnaires were done for research of the local consumer evaluation aiming the topic of traditional horticultural products in the sphere of products in horticulture and food industry. We have three hypotheses: 1.The consumers are able to associate with messages bound up with characteristic, regional products. 2. In the decision-making process, in connection with the purchase and consumption of the consumer, the knowledge of the source of supply is an influential factor. 3. The product character of traditional horticultural products gives the chance to the consumer to acknowledge the excellent and individual feature of the product in a higher price, consequently, the higher price will be less influential factor in their decision-making process of the purchase. In the years 2010-2011 primary research has been conducted on agricultural and food manufacturers of traditional horticultural products. To analyse the survey data, we have used SPSS 14.0 for Windows and LISREL 8.30. Methods: Confidence-interval calculation, a variable structure test wit factor analysis, a variable structure test with cluster analysis, multi dimensional scaling and correspondence analysis. It can easily be brought to light that the consumers select product not even on the basis of its price, appearance but rather on the basis of its particular taste and the excellent quality. The consumers regard - beside the perceptible attributes – the Hungarian provenance, place of origin and the traditional feature as an important aspect. In the analysis of traditional horticultural products we can divide two independent factors can be distinguished: quality and economic factors.
机译:针对园艺和食品工业产品领域的传统园艺产品主题,进行了问卷调查以研究当地消费者。我们有三个假设:1.消费者能够将与具有特色的区域性产品捆绑在一起的消息相关联。 2.在决策过程中,与消费者的购买和消费有关,对供应来源的了解是一个影响因素。 3.传统园艺产品的产品特性使消费者有机会以较高的价格认识到该产品的卓越和个性化特征,因此,较高的价格对他们的购买决策过程的影响较小。在2010-2011年间,对传统园艺产品的农业和食品生产商进行了初步研究。为了分析调查数据,我们使用Windows的SPSS 14.0和LISREL 8.30。方法:置信区间计算,变量结构机智因子分析,带聚类分析的变量结构测试,多维缩放和对应分析。可以很容易地发现,消费者甚至不根据价格,外观来选择产品,而是根据其特殊的口味和优良的品质来选择产品。消费者除了感觉到的属性外,还认为匈牙利的出身,原产地和传统特色是重要的方面。在分析传统园艺产品时,我们可以划分两个可以区分的独立因素:质量和经济因素。



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