首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experomental Medicine >TRAIL-expressing T cells induce apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells in the atherosclerotic plaque

TRAIL-expressing T cells induce apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells in the atherosclerotic plaque




Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are precipitated by a rupture of the atherosclerotic plaque, often at the site of T cell and macrophage infiltration. Here, we show that plaque-infiltrating CD4 T cells effectively kill vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). VSMCs sensitive to T cell–mediated killing express the death receptor DR5 (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand [TRAIL] receptor 2), and anti-TRAIL and anti-DR5 antibodies block T cell–mediated apoptosis. CD4 T cells that express TRAIL upon stimulation are expanded in patients with ACS and more effectively induce VSMC apoptosis. Adoptive transfer of plaque-derived CD4 T cells into immunodeficient mice that are engrafted with human atherosclerotic plaque results in apoptosis of VSMCs, which was prevented by coadministration of anti-TRAIL antibody. These data identify that the death pathway is triggered by TRAIL-producing CD4 T cells as a direct mechanism of VSMC apoptosis, a process which may lead to plaque destabilization.
机译:动脉粥样硬化斑块破裂通常在T细胞和巨噬细胞浸润部位引起急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)。在这里,我们表明,斑块浸润的CD4 T细胞有效杀死血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)。对T细胞介导的杀伤敏感的VSMC表达死亡受体DR5(TNF相关的凋亡诱导配体[TRAIL]受体2),而抗TRIL和抗DR5抗体则阻断T细胞介导的凋亡。 ACS患者中表达刺激后表达TRAIL的CD4 T细胞在ACS患者中扩增,并更有效地诱导VSMC凋亡。斑块来源的CD4 T细胞过继转移到移植有人动脉粥样硬化斑块的免疫缺陷小鼠中会导致VSMC凋亡,这可以通过共同使用抗TRAIL抗体来预防。这些数据表明,死亡途径是由产生TRAIL的CD4 T细胞触发的,这是VSMC凋亡的直接机制,这一过程可能导致斑块不稳定。



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