




It has been previously reported that a filterable microorganism belonging to the genus Leptospira has been recovered from the blood or organs of human beings suffering from the disease known as yellow fever in Guayaquil, and that the organism, which has been termed Leptospira icteroides , induces in certain experimental animals the characteristic symptoms and lesions observed in the patients from whom it was isolated. It has also been previously shown that the serum from patients recovering from an attack of yellow fever in Guayaquil had the power to agglutinate and dissolve the organism when introduced into the peritoneal cavity of a normal guinea pig (Pfeiffer phenomenon). Moreover, the guinea pigs which had once been inoculated with the blood of yellow fever patients without succumbing to the infection, notwithstanding the fact that they had shown a definite febrile reaction after 4 to 5 days, were found to be refractory to a subsequent inoculation of a culture of Leptospira icteroides All these observations pointed to the possible relation of this organism to the disease known as yellow fever in Guayaquil. The demonstration of the filterability of the organism and the transmission of the infection with the same organism by Stegomyia calopus have further strengthened the probable etiological significance of the organism in yellow fever.It was by no means a simple problem to determine the relation existing between Leptospira icteroides and Leptospira icteroh?morrhagi? . An experiment reported in a previous paper seemed to justify the view that the two leptospiras are closely related but not identical, yet it was necessary to exhaust various other modes of differentiation before the distinction between them was firmly established. The present paper continues this phase of the inquiry in further detail.There have been taken up here the phenomena of agglutination, the reaction of Pfeiffer, complement fixation, the protective properties of various monovalent and polyvalent immune sera, and active immunity. As the result of experiments in connection with these immunity phenomena the following data are presented.Monovalent immune sera prepared by several successive injections in an animal naturally refractory to Leptospira icteroides possess the power to agglutinate in vitro not only the homologous strains, but also all other strains of icteroides tested. On the other hand, a slight effect, or none at all, has been observed when these immune sera have been mixed in vitro with various strains of Leptospira icteroh?morrhagi? . A similar relation exists between the monovalent anti- icteroh?morrhagi? sera and the various strains of Leptospira icteroides; that is, there is a slight agglutinating effect in some instances upon the icteroides strains, but it is never so strong as that occurring in tests against the icteroh?hagi? strains. The Pfeiffer reaction gave a sharper differentiation between the two groups, for in most instances the phenomenon was specific for the group. There were occasional doubtful reactions, but not enough to warrant a confusion of the two groups.Polyvalent immune sera, one specific for icteroides , and the other for icteroh?morrhagi? , showed a high titer of neutralizing power for the cultures of the homologous groups. It was found, however, that the action of the sera is by no means absolutely specific, because the injection of a sufficient amount of the anti- icteroides serum apparently prevented a fatal outcome in a guinea pig inoculated with multiple minimum lethal doses of a culture of Leptospira icteroh?morrhagi? , and vice versa . The specificity of the serum was demonstrated only when it was used in smaller quantities.More or less specificity was shown by the complement fixation reaction, but it was not absolute. Weak fixation occurred when the anti- icteroides serum was mixed with one or the other of the icteroh?morrhagi? strains and vice versa , and strong fixation occurred only when the antiserum was
机译:以前有报道说,在瓜亚基尔已经从患有黄热病的人的血液或器官中回收了属于钩端螺旋体属的可过滤微生物,这种被称为钩端体钩端螺旋体的生物体可在人体中诱发这种疾病。在某些实验动物中,在隔离动物的患者中观察到了特征性症状和病变。先前还已经显示,从瓜亚基尔的黄热病发作中恢复的患者的血清在引入正常豚鼠的腹膜腔时具有凝集和溶解生物的能力(Pfeiffer现象)。此外,发现曾经接种黄热病患者血液但不致感染的豚鼠,尽管它们在4至5天后表现出明显的发热反应,但发现其对随后的接种难治。所有这些发现都指出了该生物体与瓜亚基尔黄热病的可能关系。证明该生物的可过滤性和牛海绵状肉毒杆菌对同一生物的感染传播进一步加强了该生物在黄热病中的可能的病因学意义。确定钩端螺旋体之间存在的关系绝不是一个简单的问题。黄疸和钩端螺旋体黄疸吗? 。前一篇论文中报道的一项实验似乎证明了两种钩端螺旋体密切相关但不完全相同的观点是正确的,但是在牢固地确立它们之间的区别之前,有必要用尽其他各种分化方式。本论文将进一步详细地探讨这一阶段。在此研究了凝集现象,菲氏反应,补体固定,各种单价和多价免疫血清的保护特性以及主动免疫。作为与这些免疫现象有关的实验的结果,提供了以下数据。通过连续几次注射天然抗黄腐螺旋体的动物制备的单价免疫血清不仅具有体外同源菌株的凝集能力,还具有其他所有凝集能力。测试的类黄酮菌株。另一方面,在体外将这些免疫血清与各种沙门氏菌钩端螺旋体菌株混合后,仅观察到轻微的作用,或根本没有作用。 。单价抗黄体生成素,morrhagi®之间存在相似的关系。血清和黄萎病的各种菌株;就是说,在某些情况下,对黄酮类菌株有轻微的凝集作用,但是它从未像在对黄疸的试验中那样强烈。株。普发反应使两组之间的区分更加明显,在大多数情况下,该现象是该组特有的。偶尔会有令人怀疑的反应,但不足以使两组混淆。多价免疫血清,一种对黄疸很特异性,另一种对黄疸吗? ,显示出高滴度的中和能力的同源群体的文化。但是,发现血清的作用绝不是绝对特异性的,因为注射足够量的抗黄疸血清显然可以防止接种了多个最小致死剂量的豚鼠的致命结局。克氏钩端螺旋体? ,反之亦然。血清的特异性仅在少量使用时得到证实,补体固定反应或多或少显示出特异性,但不是绝对的。当将抗黄体激素血清与一种或多种黄体激素混合时,固定作用就会减弱。菌株反之亦然,只有当抗血清浓度达到最大值时才会发生强力固定。



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