首页> 外文期刊>FEBS Letters >Cold‐induced ependymin expression in zebrafish and carp brain: implications for cold acclimation

Cold‐induced ependymin expression in zebrafish and carp brain: implications for cold acclimation




>Cold acclimation has been suggested to be mediated by alternations in the gene expression pattern in the cold-adapted fish. To investigate the mechanism of cold acclimation in fish brain at the molecular level, relevant subsets of differentially expressed genes of interest were identified and cloned by the PCR-based subtraction suppression hybridization. Characterization of the selected cold-induced cDNA clones revealed one encoding ependymin. This gene was shown to be brain-specific. The expression of ependymin was induced by a temperature shift from 25°C to 6°C in Cyprinus carpio or 12°C in Danio rerio. Activation of ependymin was detected 2 h after cold exposure and peaked at more than 10-fold at 12 h. This peak level remains unchanged until the temperature returns to 25°C. Although the amount of soluble ependymin protein in brain was not changed by cold treatment, its level in the fibrous insoluble polymers increased 2-fold after exposure to low temperature. These findings indicate that the increase in ependymin expression is an early event that may play an important role in the cold acclimation of fish.



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