首页> 外文期刊>Nucleic acids research >Nucleotide sequence of an heterochromatic segment recognized by the antibodies to Z-DNA in fixed metaphase chromosomes

Nucleotide sequence of an heterochromatic segment recognized by the antibodies to Z-DNA in fixed metaphase chromosomes




The purpose of this work was to analyse at the molecular level the DNA recognized by the antibodies to Z-NA in in situ experiments. Antibodies to Z-DNA interact strongly with R-band positive heterochromatic segments of fixed metaphase chromosomes of Cebus (Viegas-Pequignot et al., 1983). These segments are constituted of a satellite DNA the repeat unit of which is about 1520 base pairs long. The base sequence of the repeat unit has been determined. It contains a (AC)n rich region which, in vitro, adopts the Z conformation under topological constraints. Experiments with nuclei suggest that this sequence is not predominantly in the Z conformation in vivo. The polymorphic structure of the (AC)n rich region argues for an active recombination sequence.
机译:这项工作的目的是在分子水平上分析原位实验中Z-NA抗体识别的DNA。 Z-DNA抗体与Cebus固定中期染色体的R带阳性异色片段强烈相互作用(Viegas-Pequignot等,1983)。这些片段由卫星DNA组成,其重复单元长约1520个碱基对。重复单元的基本序列已确定。它包含一个(AC)n富集区域,该区域在体外在拓扑约束下采用Z构象。原子核实验表明,该序列在体内并非主要位于Z构象中。 (AC)n富集区域的多态结构主张一个有效的重组序列。



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