首页> 外文期刊>Kidney international. >Evidence of healing of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronically hemodialyzed uremic patients treated with long-term intravenous calcitriol

Evidence of healing of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronically hemodialyzed uremic patients treated with long-term intravenous calcitriol




Evidence of healing of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronically hemodialyzed uremic patients treated with long-term intravenous calcitriol. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a long-term course of high-dose i.v. pulses of calcitriol (CLT) on hyperparathyroid bone disease (HBD) and functional mass of parathyroid glands of chronically hemodialyzed uremic (CHU) patients. We prospectively studied nine CHU patients treated with CLT, 30 ng/kg/body wt, i.v., thrice weekly over a period of eight months. Plasma concentrations of intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), bone GLA protein (bGLA) and bone isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase (biALP) were sampled throughout. Transiliac bone biopsies were made before and after the start of CLT therapy. Double scanning scintigraphy of the neck with 201Tl-99Tc was made before, during and eight months after the start of the treatment. All patients but one, who later responded to higher than planned CLT doses, had significant decreases of plasma iPTH (F = 76; P 201Tl uptake before therapy scored 7.8 (range 4 to 9.2) arbitrary visual units and decreased significantly (P < 0.001; Wilcoxon test) to 0.4 (0 to 8.25) after eight months of CLT treatment, suggesting significant decreases of the mass of the parathyroid glands. Thus, this study demonstrates that long-term therapy with high-dose i.v. pulses of CLT in CHU with proven HBD is able to consistently decrease their circulating iPTH to levels comparable with those of subjects with mild or no HBD and also to decrease the functional mass of their parathyroid glands. Further studies will ascertain what dose of CLT is required to maintain this state of euparathyroidism once the hyperparathyroidism has been reversed.
机译:长期静脉血钙三醇治疗的慢性血液透析尿毒症患者继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进的治愈证据。这项研究的目的是评估长期服用大剂量静脉内注射的效果。骨化三醇(CLT)脉冲对慢性血液透析性尿毒症(CHU)患者甲状旁腺功能亢进症(HBD)和甲状旁腺功能质量的影响。我们前瞻性地研究了九位CHU患者,他们接受了30 ng / kg /体重(静脉内)的CLT治疗,在八个月内每周三次。整个过程中,对血浆中完整的甲状旁腺激素(iPTH),骨GLA蛋白(bGLA)和碱性磷酸酶的骨同工酶(biALP)进行了采样。在开始CLT治疗之前和之后进行骨活检。在治疗开始之前,期间和之后八个月,用201T1-99Tc对颈部进行双扫描闪烁显像。除一名患者外,所有患者均对血浆iPTH显着降低(F = 76;治疗前P 201T1摄取,治疗前评分为7.8(4到9.2)),并且显着降低(P <0.001; P = 0.001; P = 0.001)。经过8个月的CLT治疗后,Wilcoxon试验)降至0.4(0至8.25),表明甲状旁腺的质量显着降低,因此,这项研究表明,长期使用CLT静脉内大剂量CLT的长期治疗已证实HBD能够将其循环iPTH持续降低至与轻度或无HBD受试者相当的水平,并能降低甲状旁腺的功能质量,进一步的研究将确定维持这种甲状旁腺状态需要多少剂量的CLT。甲状旁腺功能亢进症已被逆转。



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