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Expected Free Energy Formalizes Conflict Underlying Defense in Freudian Psychoanalysis




Freud's core interest in the psyche was the dynamic unconscious: that part of the psyche which is unconscious due to conflict (Freud, 1923/1961). Over the course of his career, Freud variously described conflict as an opposition to the discharge of activation (Freud, 1950), opposition to psychic activity due to the release of unpleasure (Freud, 1990/1991), opposition between the primary principle and the reality principle (Freud, 1911/1963), structural conflict between id, ego, and superego (Freud, 1923/1961), and ambivalence (Freud, 1912/1963). Besides this difficulty of the shifting description of conflict, an underlying question remained the specific shared terrain in which emotions, thoughts, intentions or wishes could come into conflict with one another (the neuronal homolog of conflict), and most especially how they may exist as quantities in opposition within that terrain. Friston's free-energy principle (FEP henceforth) connected to the work of Friston (Friston et al., 2006; Friston, 2010) has provided the potential for a powerful unifying theory in psychology, neuroscience, and related fields that has been shown to have tremendous consilience with psychoanalytic concepts (Hopkins, 2012). Hopkins (2016), drawing on a formulation by Hobson et al. (2014), suggests that conflict may be potentially quantifiable as free energy from a FEP perspective. More recently, work by Friston et al. (2017a) has framed the selection of action as a gradient descent of expected free energy under different policies of action. From this perspective, the article describes how conflict could potentially be formalized as a situation where opposing action policies have similar expected free energy, for example between actions driven by competing basic prototype emotion systems as described by Panksepp (1998). This conflict state may be avoided in the future through updating the relative precision of a particular set of prior beliefs about outcomes: this has the result of tending to favor one of the policies of action over others in future instances, a situation analogous to defense. Through acting as a constraint on the further development of the person, the defensive operation can become entrenched, and resistant to alteration. The implications that this formalization has for psychoanalysis is explored.
机译:弗洛伊德对心理学的核心兴趣是动态的无意识:由于冲突而无意识的那一部分(弗洛伊德,1923/1961)。在他的职业生涯中,弗洛伊德将冲突描述为反对激活的释放(弗洛伊德,1950年),由于不满情绪的释放导致的对精神活动的反对(弗​​洛伊德,1990/1991年),主要原则与政治活动之间的反对。现实原理(弗洛伊德,1911/1963),内在,自我和超我之间的结构性冲突(弗洛伊德,1923/1961)和矛盾(弗洛伊德,1912 // 1963)。除了冲突描述不断变化的困难之外,一个基本问题仍然是特定的共同领域,在其中,情绪,思想,意图或愿望可能会相互冲突(冲突的神经元同源物),最特别的是它们如何可能以冲突的形式存在。在该地形内的相对数量。与弗里斯顿的工作有关的弗里斯顿的自由能原理(此后称为FEP)(弗里斯顿等人,2006;弗里斯顿,2010)为心理学,神经科学及相关领域的强大统一理论提供了潜力精神分析概念具有极大的一致性(Hopkins,2012年)。霍普金斯(2016),借鉴了霍布森等人的公式。 (2014年)表明,从FEP的角度来看,冲突有可能被量化为自由能。最近,Friston等人的工作。 (2017a)将行动选择的框架定为不同行动政策下预期自由能的梯度下降。从这个角度出发,本文描述了如何将潜在的冲突形式化为对立的行动政策具有相似的预期自由能的情况,例如Panksepp(1998)描述的由竞争性基本原型情感系统驱动的行动之间。将来可以通过更新特定的一组关于结果的先前信念的相对精度来避免这种冲突状态:这导致在将来的情况下倾向于采取一种行动政策,而不是其他行动政策,这类似于国防。通过限制人的进一步发展,防御行动可以变得根深蒂固,并且抵抗变化。探索了这种形式化对精神分析的影响。



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