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Within-Subject Associations between Mood Dimensions and Non-exercise Activity: An Ambulatory Assessment Approach Using Repeated Real-Time and Objective Data




A physically active lifestyle has been related to positive health outcomes and high life expectancy, but the underlying psychological mechanisms maintaining physical activity are rarely investigated. Tremendous technological progress yielding sophisticated methodological approaches, i.e., ambulatory assessment, have recently enabled the study of these mechanisms in everyday life. In practice, accelerometers allow to continuously and objectively monitor physical activity. The combination with e-diaries makes it feasible to repeatedly assess mood states in real-time and real life and to relate them to physical activity. This state-of-the-art methodology comes with several advantages, like bypassing systematic distortions of retrospective methods, avoiding distortions seen in laboratory settings, and revealing an objective physical activity assessment. Most importantly, ambulatory assessment studies enable to analyze how physical activity and mood wax and wane within persons over time in contrast to existing studies on physical activity and mood which mostly investigated between-person associations. However, there are very few studies on how mood dimensions (i.e., feeling well, energetic and calm) drive non-exercise activity (NEA; such as climbing stairs) within persons. Recent reviews argued that some of these studies have methodological limitations, e.g., scarcely representative samples, short study periods, physical activity assessment via self-reports, and low sampling frequencies. To overcome these limitations, we conducted an ambulatory assessment study in a community-based sample of 106 adults over 1 week. Participants were asked to report mood ratings on e-diaries and to wear an accelerometer in daily life. We conducted multilevel analyses to investigate whether mood predicted NEA, which was defined as the mean acceleration within the 10-min interval directly following an e-diary assessment. Additionally, we analyzed the effects of NEA on different time frames following the e-diary prompts in an exploratory manner. Our results revealed that valence significantly and positively predicted NEA within persons (p = 0.001). Feeling more energetic was associated with significantly increased NEA (p < 0.001), whereas feeling calmer was associated with significantly decreased NEA (p < 0.001) on the within-person level. The analyses on different time frames of NEA largely confirmed our findings. In conclusion, we showed that mood predicted NEA within adults but with distinct magnitudes and directions of effects for each mood dimension.
机译:积极进行体育锻炼与良好的健康状况和较高的预期寿命有关,但很少研究维持体育锻炼的潜在心理机制。巨大的技术进步产生了先进的方法论方法,即动态评估,最近使人们能够在日常生活中研究这些机制。实际上,加速度计可以连续客观地监视身体活动。与电子病历的结合使在实时和真实生活中反复评估情绪状态并将其与身体活动相关联成为可能。这种最先进的方法具有许多优点,例如绕过追溯方法的系统性失真,避免在实验室环境中看到的失真以及揭示客观的身体活动评估。最重要的是,动态评估研究使人们能够分析一段时间内人们的身体活动和情绪如何消逝,而现有的有关身体活动和情绪的研究则主要研究人际关系。但是,关于情绪维度(即感觉良好,精力充沛和镇定)如何驱动人体内非运动活动(NEA;例如爬楼梯)的研究很少。最近的评论认为,其中一些研究存在方法学上的局限性,例如代表性不足,研究周期短,通过自我报告进行体育活动评估以及采样频率低。为了克服这些限制,我们在一个社区样本中对106名成年人进行了为期1周的动态评估研究。要求参与者报告电子病历的情绪等级,并在日常生活中佩戴加速度计。我们进行了多层次分析,以调查情绪是否预测NEA,NEA定义为在进行电子日记评估后10分钟间隔内的平均加速度。此外,我们以探索性方式分析了电子日记提示下NEA对不同时间范围的影响。我们的结果表明,化合价显着并积极预测人体内的NEA(p = 0.001)。在人内水平上,精力充沛与NEA显着增加(p <0.001)相关,而镇定感与NEA显着降低(p <0.001)相关。对NEA不同时间范围的分析在很大程度上证实了我们的发现。总之,我们表明情绪可以预测成人内的NEA,但每个情绪维度的影响幅度和方向都不同。



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