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Chemosensory anxiety cues moderate the experience of social exclusion a?? an fMRI investigation with Cyberball

机译:化学感应焦虑提示可缓和社交排斥的经历? Cyber​​ball进行的功能磁共振成像调查



Recent evidence suggests that the experience of stress can be communicated between individuals via chemosensory cues. Little is known, however, about the impact of these cues on neurophysiological responses during a socially threatening situation. In the current investigation we implemented a widely used paradigm to study social exclusion—Cyberball—to examine whether chemosensory cues signaling anxiety modulate the neuronal effects of ostracism. In a double-blind, within-subjects design, 24 healthy, normosmic participants were presented with chemosensory cues of anxiety (or control samples) and completed the Cyberball task while in a 3T fMRI scanner. Axillary sweat collected from male students awaiting an oral examination served as the anxiety cues while the chemosensory control stimuli consisted of sweat collected from the same individuals participating in an ergometer training session. The neuroimaging data revealed that under the control chemosensory condition, exclusion from Cyberball was associated with significantly higher orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex activity, which is consistent with previous studies in the field. However, when participants were primed with the anxiety sweat, the activity in these regions was not observed. Further, under exposure to anxiety cues during ostracism the participants showed deactivations in brain regions involved in memory (hippocampus), social cognition (middle temporal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus) and processing of salience (inferior frontal gyrus). These results suggest that successful communication of anxiety via the chemosensory domain may moderate the experience of social exclusion. It is possible that the anxiety signals make it easier for the individuals to detach from the group, pointing to the communicative role of chemosensory anxiety cues in enhancing adjustment mechanisms in light of a distressing situation.
机译:最近的证据表明,压力的经历可以通过化学感觉线索在个体之间进行交流。然而,在社交威胁的情况下,这些线索对神经生理反应的影响知之甚少。在当前的调查中,我们实施了一种广泛使用的范例来研究社会排斥-网络球,以检查信号传递焦虑的化学感应信号是否调节了排斥的神经元作用。在双盲,受试者内部设计中,向24名健康的常态参与者展示了焦虑的化学感应线索(或对照样本),并在3T fMRI扫描仪中完成了Cyber​​ball任务。从等待口试的男学生那里收集的腋窝汗水是焦虑的线索,而化学感应控制刺激则是从参加测力计培训班的同一个人那里收集的汗水组成的。神经影像学数据显示,在对照化学感应条件下,数码球被排除与眶额叶皮层和前扣带回皮层活动明显增高相关,这与该领域以前的研究一致。但是,当参与者被焦虑汗水激发时,未观察到这些区域的活动。此外,在排斥过程中暴露于焦虑提示下,参与者表现出与记忆(海马),社交认知(颞中回,颞上回)和显着性(额下回)相关的大脑区域失活。这些结果表明,通过化学感应域成功进行焦虑交流可能会缓解社交排斥的经历。焦虑信号有可能使个人更容易脱离小组,这表明化学感官焦虑线索在根据令人痛苦的情况增强调节机制方面的交流作用。



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