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Do dreams really guard sleep? Evidence for and against Freud's theory of the basic function of dreaming




A series of studies investigating dream reports after nighttime awakenings with or without prior arousal during sleep allows testing this conjecture. In the first one (Conduit et al., 1997), young adult subjects were awakened after simultaneous light and tone stimulation just below the waking threshold, and mentation reports were compared to those elicited from control awakenings without stimulation. Results showed significantly more dream reports after sleep stimulation than without (83% vs. 40%). More precisely, a significant increase of dream reports under stimulation condition was found for non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep stage 2 (72% vs. 17%), but not for rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (100% vs. 84%)1. The NREM sleep finding was replicated with tone stimulation (46% vs. 9%; Fedyszyn and Conduit, 2007); by contrast, arousal during REM sleep was not associated with increased dreaming in subsequent studies (Fedyszyn and Conduit, 2007; Stuart and Conduit, 2009). It thus can be concluded that arousal during NREM sleep, not REM sleep, is associated with increased dreaming, which is a major argument supporting conjecture #1 (regarding NREM sleep only).
机译:一系列研究在夜间觉醒后进行梦境报告的研究中,无论是否在睡眠中有事先唤醒,都可以测试这种推测。在第一个实验中(Conduit等,1997),年轻的成年受试者在同时受到光和声调刺激后刚好在醒觉阈值以下被唤醒,并且将心理活动报告与不进行刺激的对照觉醒报告进行了比较。结果显示,睡眠刺激后的梦境报告明显多于没有梦境报告(83%对40%)。更准确地说,发现在刺激条件下,第2阶段非快速眼动(NREM)睡眠的梦境报告显着增加(72%比17%),但对于快速眼动(REM)睡眠则没有(100%vs. 17%)。 84%)1。 NREM睡眠发现可通过音调刺激进行重复(46%比9%; Fedyszyn和Conduit,2007年)。相比之下,在随后的研究中,REM睡眠中的唤醒与梦境的增加无关(Fedyszyn和Conduit,2007; Stuart和Conduit,2009)。因此可以得出结论,在NREM睡眠而不是REM睡眠中引起的兴奋与梦境的增加有关,这是支持猜想1(仅关于NREM睡眠)的主要论据。



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