首页> 外文期刊>Genetics: A Periodical Record of Investigations Bearing on Heredity and Variation >A Maximum-Likelihood Method for the Estimation of Pairwise Relatedness in Structured Populations

A Maximum-Likelihood Method for the Estimation of Pairwise Relatedness in Structured Populations




A maximum-likelihood estimator for pairwise relatedness is presented for the situation in which the individuals under consideration come from a large outbred subpopulation of the population for which allele frequencies are known. We demonstrate via simulations that a variety of commonly used estimators that do not take this kind of misspecification of allele frequencies into account will systematically overestimate the degree of relatedness between two individuals from a subpopulation. A maximum-likelihood estimator that includes F ST as a parameter is introduced with the goal of producing the relatedness estimates that would have been obtained if the subpopulation allele frequencies had been known. This estimator is shown to work quite well, even when the value of F ST is misspecified. Bootstrap confidence intervals are also examined and shown to exhibit close to nominal coverage when F ST is correctly specified.
机译:针对以下情况,提供了成对相关性的最大似然估计器:所考虑的个体来自等位基因频率已知的人口的大量近交亚群。我们通过模拟证明,没有考虑这种等位基因频率的错误指定的各种常用估计量,将系统地高估一个亚人群中两个个体之间的相关程度。引入包括F ST作为参数的最大似然估计器,其目的是产生如果亚群等位基因频率已知就可以得到的相关性估计。即使F ST的值指定不正确,该估计器也能很好地工作。如果正确指定了F ST,还将检查自举置信区间并显示接近标称覆盖率。



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