首页> 外文期刊>Genetics: A Periodical Record of Investigations Bearing on Heredity and Variation >Chloroplast DNA diversity among trees, populations and species in the California closed-cone pines (Pinus radiata, Pinus muricata and Pinus attenuata).

Chloroplast DNA diversity among trees, populations and species in the California closed-cone pines (Pinus radiata, Pinus muricata and Pinus attenuata).




The amount, distribution and mutational nature of chloroplast DNA polymorphisms were studied via analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms in three closely related species of conifers, the California closed-cone pines-knobcone pine: Pinus attenuata Lemm.; bishop pine: Pinus muricata D. Don; and Monterey pine: Pinus radiata D. Don. Genomic DNA from 384 trees representing 19 populations were digested with 9-20 restriction enzymes and probed with cloned cpDNA fragments from Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] that comprise 82% chloroplast genome. Up to 313 restriction sites were surveyed, and 25 of these were observed to be polymorphic among or within species. Differences among species accounted for the majority of genetic (haplotypic) diversity observed [Gst = 84(+/- 13)%]; nucleotide diversity among species was estimated to be 0.3(+/- 0.1)%. Knobcone pine and Monterey pine displayed almost no genetic variation within or among populations. Bishop pine also showed little variability within populations, but did display strong population differences [Gst = 87(+/- 8)%] that were a result of three distinct geographic groups. Mean nucleotide diversity within populations was 0.003(+/- 0.002)%; intrapopulation polymorphisms were found in only five populations. This pattern of genetic variation contrasts strongly with findings from study of nuclear genes (allozymes) in the group, where most genetic diversity resides within populations rather than among populations or species. Regions of the genome subject to frequent length mutations were identified; estimates of subdivision based on length variant frequencies in one region differed strikingly from those based on site mutations or allozymes. Two trees were identified with a major chloroplast DNA inversion that closely resembled one documented between Pinus and Pseudotsuga.
机译:通过分析三种紧密相关的针叶树种-加利福尼亚的闭锥松-球形松中限制叶长度多态性,研究了叶绿体DNA多态性的数量,分布和突变性质。松树主教:松树栗D.唐;和蒙特雷松:辐射松D.唐。用9-20种限制酶消化来自代表19个种群的384棵树的基因组DNA,并用来自道格拉斯冷杉[Pseudotsuga menziesii(Mirb。)Franco]的克隆cpDNA片段进行探测,该片段包含82%的叶绿体基因组。调查了多达313个限制酶切位点,其中25个在种间或种内是多态的。物种之间的差异占观察到的遗传(单倍型)多样性的大部分[Gst = 84(+/- 13)%];物种之间的核苷酸多样性估计为0.3(+/- 0.1)%。瘤菌松和蒙特雷松在种群内部或种群之间几乎没有遗传变异。 Bishop pine的种群内部也几乎没有变异,但确实表现出强烈的种群差异[Gst = 87(+/- 8)%],这是三个不同地理区域的结果。群体内的平均核苷酸多样性为0.003(+/- 0.002)%;仅五个人群中发现了人群内部多态性。这种遗传变异的模式与研究组中核基因(同工酶)的发现形成鲜明对比,在该组中,大多数遗传多样性都位于种群内,而不是种群或物种之间。确定了经常发生长度突变的基因组区域;基于一个区域中长度变化频率的细分估计与基于位点突变或同工酶的细分估计显着不同。鉴定出两棵树的主要叶绿体DNA倒置,与Pinus和Pseudotsuga之间的记录非常相似。



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