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Three Cases of Neurologic Syndrome Caused by Donor-Derived Microsporidiosis




In April 2014, a kidney transplant recipient in the United States experienced headache, diplopia, and confusion, followed by neurologic decline and death. An investigation to evaluate the possibility of donor-derived infection determined that 3 patients had received 4 organs (kidney, liver, heart/kidney) from the same donor. The liver recipient experienced tremor and gait instability; the heart/kidney and contralateral kidney recipients were hospitalized with encephalitis. None experienced gastrointestinal symptoms. Encephalitozoon cuniculi was detected by tissue PCR in the central nervous system of the deceased kidney recipient and in renal allograft tissue from both kidney recipients. Urine PCR was positive for E. cuniculi in the 2 surviving recipients. Donor serum was positive for E. cuniculi antibodies. E. cuniculi was transmitted to 3 recipients from 1 donor. This rare presentation of disseminated disease resulted in diagnostic delays. Clinicians should consider donor-derived microsporidial infection in organ recipients with unexplained encephalitis, even when gastrointestinal manifestations are absent.
机译:2014年4月,美国的一位肾脏移植受者经历了头痛,复视和精神错乱,随后出现神经功能下降和死亡。一项评估供体来源感染可能性的调查确定,有3名患者从同一供体接受了4个器官(肾脏,肝脏,心脏/肾脏)。肝脏接受者经历了震颤和步态不稳。心脏/肾脏和对侧肾脏接受者因脑炎住院。没有人出现胃肠道症状。通过组织PCR在死者肾脏接受者的中枢神经系统和来自两个肾脏接受者的同种异体肾移植组织中检测到了脑炎性脑病。尿液PCR在2名幸存者中对钩端螺旋体呈阳性。供体血清中的大肠杆菌(E. cuniculi)抗体呈阳性。 cu。cuniculi已从1个供体传播给3个接受者。这种罕见的传播疾病表现导致诊断延误。即使没有胃肠道表现,临床医生也应考虑患有无法解释性脑炎的器官接受者的供体来源的微孢子体感染。


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