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Diphyllobothriasis Associated with Eating Raw Pacific Salmon




The incidence of human infection with the broad tape-worm Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiensehas been increas-ing in urban areas of Japan and in European countries. D. nihonkaienseis morphologically similar to but genetically distinct from D. latumand exploits anadromous wild Pacific salmon as its second intermediate host. Clinical signs in hu-mans include diarrhea and discharge of the strobila, which can be as long as 12 m. The natural life history and the geographic range of the tapeworm remain to be elucidated, but recent studies have indicated that the brown bear in the northern territories of the Pacific coast region is its natural fi-nal host. A recent surge of clinical cases highlights a change in the epidemiologic trend of this tapeworm disease from one of rural populations to a disease of urban populations worldwide who eat seafood as part of a healthy diet
机译:在日本的城市地区和在欧洲国家,人类感染带状线虫Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense的人的发病率正在增加。 D. nihonkaienseis在形态上与D. latumand相似,但在遗传上却与D. latumand不同,它利用过时的野生太平洋鲑鱼作为第二中间宿主。人类的临床体征包括腹泻和频闪的分泌物,可能长达12 m。 tape虫的自然生活史和地理范围尚待阐明,但是最近的研究表明,太平洋沿岸地区北部地区的棕熊是其最终的寄主。最近的临床病例激增凸显了这种tape虫病的流行病学趋势已从农村人口中的一种转变为世界范围内以海鲜为健康饮食的一部分的城市人口的疾病



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