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Neutralizing Antibody Response and SARS Severity




Using the Taiwan nationwide laboratory-confirmedsevere acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) database, weanalyzed neutralizing antibody in relation to clinical out-comes. With a linear mixed model, neutralizing antibodytiter was shown to peak between week 5 and week 8 afteronset and to decline thereafter, with a half-life of 6.4 weeks.Patients with a longer illness showed a lower neutralizingantibody response than patients with a shorter illness dura-tion (p = 0.008). When early responders were comparedwith most patients, who seroconverted on and after week 3of illness, the small proportion (17.4%) of early responders(antibody detectable within 2 weeks) had a higher deathrate (29.6% vs. 7.8%) (Fisher exact test, p = 0.004), had ashorter survival time of 60 years of age (Fisherexact test, p = 0.01). Our findings have implications forunderstanding the pathogenesis of SARS and for SARSvaccine research and development
机译:使用台湾国家实验室确认的严重急性呼吸系统综合症(SARS)数据库,对与临床结果相关的中和抗体进行了分析。在线性混合模型中,中和抗体滴度在发病后第5周至第8周达到峰值,此后下降,半衰期为6.4周。病程较长的患者比病程较短的患者表现出较低的中和抗体反应-tion(p = 0.008)。当将早期反应者与大多数在疾病的第3周及之后发生血清转化的患者进行比较时,一小部分(17.4%)早期反应者(在2周内可检测到抗体)死亡率较高(29.6%对7.8%)(Fisher精确检验) ,p = 0.004),生存期较短,为60岁(Fisherexact测试,p = 0.01)。我们的发现对理解SARS的发病机理以及SARS疫苗的研发具有重要意义。



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