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1951 Influenza Epidemic, England and Wales, Canada, and the United States




Influenza poses a continuing public health threat inepidemic and pandemic seasons. The 1951 influenza epi-demic (A/H1N1) caused an unusually high death toll inEngland; in particular, weekly deaths in Liverpool even sur-passed those of the 1918 pandemic. We further quantifiedthe death rate of the 1951 epidemic in 3 countries. InEngland and Canada, we found that excess death ratesfrom pneumonia and influenza and all causes were sub-stantially higher for the 1951 epidemic than for the 1957and 1968 pandemics (by >50%). The age-specific patternof deaths in 1951 was consistent with that of other interpan-demic seasons; no age shift to younger age groups, remi-niscent of pandemics, occurred in the death rate. Incontrast to England and Canada, the 1951 epidemic wasnot particularly severe in the United States. Why this epi-demic was so severe in some areas but not others remainsunknown and highlights major gaps in our understanding ofinterpandemic influenza
机译:流感在流行和大流行季节构成了持续的公共卫生威胁。 1951年的流感大流行(A / H1N1)在英格兰造成了异常高的死亡人数;特别是利物浦每周的死亡人数甚至超过了1918年的大流行。我们进一步量化了3个国家1951年流行病的死亡率。在英格兰和加拿大,我们发现1951年的这种流行病导致的肺炎和流感以及所有原因造成的超额死亡率大大高于1957年和1968年的大流行(> 50%)。 1951年的特定年龄死亡模式与其他跨流行时期相同。死亡率没有发生向大流行的年轻年龄组转变的趋势。与英格兰和加拿大相反,1951年的疫情在美国并不是特别严重。为什么这种流行病在某些地区如此严重,而在其他地区却并非如此,这仍然未知,并突显了我们对大流行性流感的了解存在重大差距



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