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Historical Trends Related to Bioterrorism: An Empirical Analysis




Since the Japanese doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo released sarin nerve gas on the Tokyo subway in March 1995, killing 12 people, terrorist incidents and hoaxes involving toxic or infectious agents have been on the rise. Before the late 1990s, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) typically investigated a dozen cases per year involving the acquisition or use of chemical, biological, radiologic, or nuclear materials; however, FBI opened 74 such investigations in 1997 and 181 in 1998 (1). Although 80% of these incidents have been hoaxes, some were unsuccessful attacks (2). The vulnerability of civilian populations to chemical, biological, radiologic, or nuclear terrorism has been widely discussed, but information on historical cases is anecdotal and often inaccurate (3). Without a realistic threat assessment based on solid empirical data, government policymakers lack the knowledge they need to design prudent and cost-effective programs for preventing or mitigating future incidents.
机译:自从1995年3月日本末日邪教组织Aum Shinrikyo在东京地铁上释放沙林毒气以来,有12人丧生,恐怖主义事件和涉及有毒或传染病的恶作剧一直在增加。在1990年代后期之前,联邦调查局(FBI)通常每年调查十几起涉及购买或使用化学,生物,放射或核材料的案件;然而,联邦调查局在1997年进行了74次此类调查,在1998年进行了181次(1)。尽管这些事件中有80%是恶作剧,但其中一些攻击未成功(2)。平民人口易受化学,生物,放射或核恐怖主义的威胁已被广泛讨论,但有关历史案例的信息是轶事且往往不准确(3)。如果没有基于可靠经验数据的现实威胁评估,政府决策者将缺乏他们为设计预防或减轻未来事件所需的审慎且具有成本效益的计划所需的知识。



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