首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >Effect of Interventions on Influenza A (H9N2) Isolation in Hong Kong’s Live Poultry Markets, 1999–2005

Effect of Interventions on Influenza A (H9N2) Isolation in Hong Kong’s Live Poultry Markets, 1999–2005




Live poultry markets (LPMs) are a recognized source of in. uenza viruses. Since 2001 and 2003, respectively, a fi rst and second monthly "rest-day" has been implemented in Hong Kong's LPMs, when stalls are cleared of unsold poultry and disinfected. We assessed the incremental ef-fectiveness of each rest-day and the banning of live quail sales in 2002 in reducing (H9N2) subtype isolation rates for chickens and minor poultry, by using a multivariable Pois-son generalized linear model. There was a 58% reduction (p = 0.001) in virus isolation after 1 monthly rest-day in mi-nor poultry compared with 27% (p = 0.22) in chickens. Com-bining 1 rest-day with the removal of quails further reduced virus isolation in chickens but not in minor poultry. However, an additional rest-day each month did not appear to affect isolation rates for either species
机译:活禽市场(LPM)是公认的流感病毒来源。自2001年和2003年以来,香港的LPM分别实施了第一个和第二个月的“休息日”,清除未出售的家禽并消毒。我们使用多变量Pois-son广义线性模型评估了2002年每个休息日的有效性增加和活鹌鹑销售的禁令,从而降低了鸡和小家禽的(H9N2)亚型分离率。 mi-nor家禽在每月休息1天后,病毒分离率降低了58%(p = 0.001),而鸡为27%(p = 0.22)。结合休息1天和去除鹌鹑,进一步减少了鸡的病毒分离率,但未减少家禽的病毒分离率。但是,每个月额外的休息日似乎都不会影响这两种物种的隔离率



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